Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pregnancy Week 25

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +4 pounds--WHAT? Seriously that scale at the doctor has to be broken! Or maybe its the fact that I haven't pooped in two days :( (total +17, counting the original -10)
Maternity Clothes: Old Navy stretchy skirts and cotton summer dresses are my saving grace
Best Moment this week: Our lazy weekend was very nice. And I purchased two new bras...everything feels much more supported! :) We heard our little boy's heartbeat this morning 152 bpm. :)
Gender: Boy
Movement: He's a little wiggle worm that's for sure. I forgot to mention that my son has already started to throw tantrums while in my belly. I'm not making this up. We have a BIG meeting in the office biweekly where all the important folks from our project give updates to our project manager. Baby Z does not like these meetings...just like his Daddy that is for sure. It's like Baby Z knows what his Daddy is thinking and acts it out by kicking me in the bladder or an occasional kidney punch. I realized today while I was in a meeting with my manager that my child does not like him either. He threw an all out tantrum (H--I figured you would really appreciate this mental image.)
Food Craving: I seriously need to lay off the sweets :(
What I miss: Not having to get up to pee once or twice in the middle of the night and waking the sleeping babe inside of you. My child thinks its time for midnight margarita's and proceeds to have a conga line while I'm trying to get back to sleep.
What I am looking forward to: Uncle Dan's birthday is tomorrow and we'll be going out to DC to celebrate on Friday! :) Saturday night Matt and I have a date to watch Casablanca at Wolf Trap :) :) I cannot believe July is OVER!!! Where did the month go??? Next month will bring our 3rd Trimester, Baby Showers, Preggo Pics, Sono/Glucose Test and my 10-year HS reunion. Lots of stuff going us for our little Zelman Family.

Here we are at Week 25 needing a new bra!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Pregnancy Week 24

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +.5 pounds (total +13, counting the original -10)
Maternity Clothes: Can I get an Amen for working from home?!?! :)
Best Moment this week: Girls night at was AWESOME! I love food! :) Also my Uncle Andy was in DC for a training and my Aunt Ronda and little Miss Kylie Rae came along for the fun. They came to visit on Tuesday which was a blast :)
Gender: Boy
Movement: I'm pretty sure our little guy is gonna want to take karate when he is older...OMG how cute would that be! :)
Food Craving: Dum Dums and any other lollis I can get my hands on!
What I miss: Feeling comfortable in my own skin.
What I am looking forward to: One of my fav authors Jennifer Weiner has a new book out that I started this week, I'm super excited to finish it this weekend! :) Also in the works is a huge closet clean of our whole house. I really need to give away some things and get all my stuff out of Baby Z's closet. We moved the bed from his room down to our guest room in the basement last weekend with Uncle Dan's help. So I'm really excited for all the fun stuff ahead. I have lists and plans for lots of organizing! :)

And here we are in all our Knocked Up glory! ;)

Pregnancy Week 23

Yes a week late...awesome! This Mama is already on the road to being a slacker and our little boy isn't even here yet...sigh. However, I get a cookie (seriously someone give me a cookie) for being productive and putting stuff in his baby book already! Woo hooo! My favorite by far is I've dedicated a page to the daily name suggestions I have been receiving from Uncle Dan, I think Baby Z is gonna appreciate it as much as Matt and I do :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +.5 pounds (total +12.5, counting the original -10)
Maternity Clothes: Can I get an Amen for working from home?!?! :)
Best Moment this week: My Daddy came to visit for the weekend. We took our little fella to his first baseball game :) And we spent the day in DC at the National Archives being nerds and researching family history. It was a blast.
Gender: Boy
Movement: Lots and lots!
Food Craving: Oreos :)
What I miss: Being able to walk around DC in the sun all day without feeling EXHAUSTED at the end of the day :P
What I am looking forward to: Getting his nursery all ready! :)

And here we are rockin' out my sweet Honey Badger Don't Care shirt for Week 23 :)

Sorry the blur is from the heat :(

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pregnancy is GROSS!

In all seriousness, pregnancy is BEYOND gross. Yes I think it's freakin' AUH-MAZING, but its still completely and absolutely GROSS. And I'm pretty sure from all my symptoms (that in all honesty really haven't been that bad) and TMI, Sister will never even consider giving Baby Z a little cousin to play with until sometime in her late 30s and that's if we luck out. Here is my list in no particular order (obviously they are randomly poppin' up so I could not possibly justify which is worst than the next)--if you can't tell I'm completely fascinated with gross things and secretly I love it and think its awesome:

  1. GAS: I thank the sweet Baby J every day that I work from home. Yesterday is a prime example. We currently have A LOT of changes going on with our project and there was a meeting at 2:30 yesterday and our project manager asked us to attend in person...awesome. I wake up yesterday morning feeling like straight ass. My belly was all bloated up and my skin felt so stretched out. I was MIZ! :( Now I will be perfectly honest with you, this was in all actuality my own doing. I had a little snacky snack before bed that consisted of an entire row of oreos. I just felt really really gross. I've always had indigestion but its quadrupled since I've been pregnant. I'm so proud I'm sure my son will be the life of the party with his inhuman burps if he's anything like his Mama. Normally on days like this I'm like whatevs because I'm sitting at home. If its a HUGE burp big deal (not that the office ever stopped me from inapprop I know). And if a little gas leaks out the back side I just have to apologize to my poor husband that its gonna be one of THOSE days. He married me and knocked me up, so its not like he can really complain too much about what symptoms my body (and his baby) take on. However, when it comes to my co-workers, yeah I don't want to be physically in a meeting and let a loud one rip. Actually it would be more mortifying if it was one of those silent but deadly ones. Thankfully I made it through the entire meeting with out any incidents occurring.

  2. Poop: I think what grossest me out most about the pregnancy poops is that they are so inconsistent. I'll have to go four-five times one day (again I throw up a prayer to Big J that I work from home and can poop in the privacy of my own home as much as I would like) and then the next NOTHING. Have I mentioned I'm a hypochondriac? Yeah I am. So my biggest fear with pregnancy pooping is giving myself hemorrhoids. For serious. That mess is no joke. Thankfully none to date. I am already freakin' out about the first poop after Baby Z is born. I cringe thinking about it. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cry.

  3. Boobs: Two words for you stretch marks. I have increased two cup sizes which lots of folks would be excited about, no thanks. The good Lord can take them back along with the stretch marks I got from my boobs getting bigger. Obviously its to make more room for the milk...YAY! Vomit! Don't even get me started on how gross its gonna be when I'm out in public and my boobs just start lactating everywhere that's gonna be super awesome. And everything has gotten darker and it ain't because its the summer and these areas have seen the sun. It's super creepy.

  4. Bodily Fluids: Never in a million years could I have been prepared for the things that come out of your body when you are pregnant and the ways they chose to come out. For starters: Pee. For the past few weeks if Baby Z is sitting on my bladder just right and I sneeze a little dribble of pee will come out. (Thankfully I work from home and can make a quick underwear change it its bad...How do you ladies do this at work?) And the mess that comes out due to my body being completely awesome and preppin' itself to protect the baby from any infection by creating a Mucus Plug (VOMIT!). Its pretty awesome that my body builds this little plug, but you know a dude totally named it. Definitely NOT a lady! And this is just now, I'm already freakin' out about after labor! I haven't had a visit from Aunt Flow in oh 9-10 months when Baby Z makes his appearance. This is gonna be the WORST visit of my life! And the WORST part is I have to go back to being 12 years old and only get to use pads. Pads are the most nasty disgusting invention a dude ever designed. Only a man would expect a lady to sit in her own body cleansed filth for several hours before she changes her own diaper and puts on a new one. The good news is that since I have to wear a pad it will be like a diaper so if I have any issues with pee leakage when I sneeze after Baby Z is born well at least that little issue will be solved.

  5. Smells: Other than my own gas, I haven't encountered any unpleasant odors from me that is. I'm more referring to the deliver room. I am HORRIFIED of what that experience is going to be like. And thankfully since we moved into the second tri I haven't been gagging at the drop of a hat over gross smells or objects anymore :)

  6. Labor and Delivery: I am beyond thankful that I don't have to watch this process. And I am so very happy that my husband does not want to be down at the business end during delivery. In all honesty if dudes had to give birth, I think I would see that delivery every time I saw a penis for the rest of my life. Frankly I really don't want my husband to be scared or scarred to go near me, we do want Baby Z to have siblings. Still referencing #5, regardless of where you are in the room I've heard the smell is HORRIBLE. And that's not even if you poop on the delivery table. And that doesn't even worry me, I have no shame (obviously). Thankfully there will be a nice nurse there to clean up my little mess and I bet I won't even know it happened, though I will be asking cause I always need to know. My good friend H gave an epic recap of her delivery and she said she didn't poop during delivery but she sure thought she did because of the smell. Only to find out no its not poop that's just the smell of your beautiful child because its been cooped up in your uterus for 9-10 months....Yummmmy! You know that's gonna smell gooooood! Vomit! And the stretching/ripping during delivery! Now this is what creeps/freaks me out the most. The thought of ripping or tearing and needing stitches. Oh dear Lord Jesus! My poor husband...y'all pray for his sanity because y'all know I will be FREAKIN' out like a super crazy lady while delivering. And even if you don't rip/tear and need stitches, my poor little v-jay is gonna be so over worked that apparently I'll need an ice pack. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am to welcome my child into the world and then get to put an ice pack on my nether regions while our family comes in to meet the little guy...awkward!

And the best part is I cannot wait for all the gross and disgusting things I'll get to share about my child once he is here! :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pregnancy Week 22

How far along?: 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +12 (counting the original ten lost), +2 starting from my original weight when we found out I was PG. No gain this week! :D
Maternity clothes?: I love Old Navy and their stretchy skirts! :) I can buy non maternity items that I will still wear next year! :) woot!
Best moment this week: Shopping of our little boy! :) Okay so Mama has been banned by a number of family members from shopping until November. Aunt Kateland yelled at me that I should not be shopping when she is planning on throwing Baby Z a shower...I felt bad but not really once you see the cute little finds we got! :) SN: Matt went nuts over the baby gear too! It wasn't just me! :P Here is a little peek at some of our favs! See if you can figure out who bought what!!! ;)






Though you would think Daddy, this was Mommy. Daddy does not like feetie pjs...shame!

Daddy :)





This was a joint effort! :)


This was another joint effort. Daddy got the shirt and Momma the shorts.




Another joint effort, Daddy the tee and Mommy the shorts.



And we are REGISTERED!!! The husband is a GENIUS...instead of registering at multiple places (ie. BabiesRUs, Target, etc) we registered with Amazon and got to put EVERYTHING on one list!!! :) Super duper excited! :)
Movement: Lots and lots:)
Food Cravings: Cherry 7-Up, no worries there is no caffeine! And ZERO sugar and its actually GOOOD! :) Baby Z loves the bubbles :)
Gender: Baby BOY!!!
Belly Button: I have a feeling that by the 3rd trimester (we're a month away BTW) that my innie will be an outtie :(
Stretchmarks?: Just on the boobies. Thankfully no one will ever seen those! :P
What I miss: Getting up on our bed without feeling like I need professional construction equipment to get me up there...I should get Matt to take a video of my efforts. It's quite hilarious.
What I am looking forward to: My Daddy is coming to visit us next weekend and we're taking him to a Nats game! :)

And here is Mama and Baby Z at Week 22 :)