Can you believe it? My sweet boy is now four whole months old!!!! Wow!!! I swear this month has just FLOWN by!
Noah is now weighing 16lbs and he is measuring 25 inches long! :) Who's the preemie now?! :P This month was filled with a TON of changes for our little munchkin! :)
His biggest accomplishment this month was sleeping through the night :) Our longest sleep stretch has been 9.5 hours :) Yippee! We occasionally have "off" nights where he will get up once (2-3) but it has only happened a small handful of times this month. What can we say our little boy loves him some sleep! :)

Notice the HORRIBLE scratch next to his mouth!!!
Noah also officially moved into his 3-6 clothes! :) Lots of fun new outfits to come! Hopefully I will be more productive in downloading pictures to include with weekly posts instead of waiting for a monthly Noah update :P

Noah found his hands this month. He has not quite figured out the whole thumb deal, but instead attempts to fit his whole fist (and sometimes both fists) into his mouth at once. This has started to make for a very interesting tummy time :P

Not only does Noah enjoy sucking on his own fingers and hands, but he'll attempt to suck just about anything in his mouth's range. Discovery by mouth :P

Ever since birth our little guy has really made an effort to not be a baby. He hates to be held like a baby, he always wants to be sitting up so he can see what is going on (nosy much?!?) This month our "big boy" made some giant steps that he so should not be taking...thank goodness I'm not talking about walking!!! However this little goober loves to stand up and he recently started grabbing onto objects for support, his favorite one being the couch!

He starts getting mad at his exersaucer once he realizes that the objects cannot be taken off for him to put into his mouth...

This month we also celebrated Mommy's birthday! Normally when we go out Noah is what we like to call a "party pooper" and sleeps the entire time. This works because Matt and I can both eat without having to worry about entertaining or holding him. That's right if Noah is awake he HATES being in his car seat unless the car is moving. Noah was awake the entire time we were out for my birthday! It was a lot of fun because he was all smiles and giggles.

The many faces of Noah Zelman :) (and outfits!)

And the most important event in Noah's four months....The Patriots are going to the Superbowl!!!! :) I kid you not, whenever the Patriots are on TV the kid goes nuts trying to watch. He loves them!

Actually even in Noah's world I believe the Superbowl is a close second to....getting to start moving to solids!!! The kid loves rice cereal! :) However, not so much a fan of the spoon yet! :P

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