Date: June 27th
How Far Along: 21 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +2 pounds (total) +12 (counting the original -10)
Maternity Clothes: Can I get an Amen for working from home?!?! :)
Best Moment this week: OBX with the Bradshaw Family :)
Sunday morning after Megan's wedding we drove down to OBX. My family stays in Kill Devil Hills every summer since I can remember and I love it! :) When we go to the beach we spend all day down there.
Our little family on the beach. Note the sandwich in my hand!

Sister and I playing some Putt Putt at Jurassic Putt. Kateland had to go here because Matt loves Dinosaurs; she even let him pick the course! :)

Sisters at Jurassic Putt!

Kateland was pouting and refused to take a good pic with me. So I pouted with her.

That made her smile and we got this good pic :)

So after spending Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all day at the beach we needed a little break. On Thursday we all packed into the truck, normally it would have been the van but the folks had some difficulties with it on Sunday..fuel pump. So my Uncle Andy let us borrow his truck which was the nicest thing ever. Thankfully he has an extended cab that has room for your pregnant butt to sit comfortably for an extended period of time, unlike the Tacomasaurus. Matt had never really been out to the Oregon Inlet, Avon, Buxton, Hatteras area before and only my folks had ever taken the ferry to Ocracroke Island. So we set out on our little adventure. First stop was the Cape Hatteras Light House.

Here we are preparing to hike up 248 stairs in a muggy 90 degree lighthouse, it took forever to get to the top only because there was a line...and rude children that I wanted to knock out.

Mama and Kate on the ferry from Hatteras to Ocracoke Island.

Me and Kate on the Ferry :)

My Mama and Daddy :)

This pic of my Daddy and Matt is the cutest :)

More Ferry was a long ride.

Once we made it to Ocracoke Island we drove around the entire island, which didn't take very long at all. We went and visited the Ocracoke Lighthouse and also made a few other little stops. My favorite was Candyland a little candy shop that was FABULOUS!

On Friday we switched things up and went to the other end of the beach to visit Duck/Corrola because Matt had never been down that way either. The fun thing about Corrola Beach is there is an access like Oregon Inlet where you can take your vehicles on the beach. Mama did an excellent job her first time using 4-wheel drive on a beach. We had a nice relaxing day which is apparent from the picture below. There were many exciting sights on the beach, the family next to us caught a sting ray, a van got stuck right behind us (seriously why would you bring a van onto a beach when you don't have 4-wheel drive then like an idiot go up to the deepest part of the sand???) and HORSES! As we were leaving we got to see some of the wild ponies which was a nice little treat!

Movement: Baby Z goes nuts at all hours of the day. We have a little performer on our hands already. Also Baby Z has a serious case of the hiccups, I shouldn't laugh but its a pretty hilarious feeling.
Food Craving: french fries...homemade of course!
What I miss: Being able to sneeze without a dribble of pee sometimes escaping as well...embarrassing.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out what little Baby Z is!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Symptoms: Does pregnancy waddle count?
And here we are at week 21: Home sweet home after two weeks away

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