Date: June 8th 2011
How Far Along: 18 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: We are still sitting at about -4 so far for the weight gain.
Maternity Clothes: Making regular clothes work as long as I can :)
Best Moment this week: Sara, Bill and Ali came to visit in preparation for Matt's birthday surprise on Saturday. Rachel and Clyde also came too. So we had a house full Thursday night which was a lot of fun. Friday we all packed in and spent the day checking out the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum in DC.
Ali checking out the dinos with her Uncle Bear :)

Worst Moment this week: In light of all the festivites this week I decided to add a new category of worst moment....drum roll please.....

Example #1: After the plumber came on Sunday he told us not to use anything in the master bathroom, in my sleepy stupor I peed and flushed our toilet. Immediate waterfall in the kitchen.
Example #2: Monday morning I used our sink to wash my hands. Immediate waterfall in the kitchen.
Gender: We'll find out June 29th at 10am!!!! BEYONG EXCITED!!!!!
Movement: Felt a little flip this weekend
Food Craving: cupcakes :)
What I miss: my boob before pregnancy :( I have jumped two cup sizes :( Most people would be so excited me not so much they just get in the way.
What I am looking forward to: Two weeks of vacation with my cousin's wedding smushed in between! :) Finding out the gender when we get back!!!
Symptoms: stretch marks on my boobs...sweet!
And here we are at week 18: Check out Mama's new hair do along with Baby Z's little belly bump! :)

Love the hair- and you look beyond awesome. So excited for everything you have going on these next few weeks! Can't wait to find out whether Baby Z is a he or she!!!