Date: Should have been the week of June 18th but we were on hiatus
How Far Along: 20 Weeks--Half way there!!!!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: We gained a little and we are sitting even now after the -10 that we lost in the first trimester. Yay! :)
Maternity Clothes: Thank the Sweet Baby J for stretchy gaucho pants and Old Navy Large Tank tops! :)
Best Moment this week: Megan's Wedding Weekend and an entire week at the OBX with the Bradshaw Family :)
Megan's wedding was AMAZING! We fit in our dress nicely even though Baby Z was bigger than anticipated. Even with the cut of the dress you couldn't really tell that I was preggers unless you already knew :)
Here is my cousin Megan the beautiful bride with the pope watching in the background. The pope was every where. It's cool though she's Catholic.

Meet sweet Victoria, this is Megan's little cousin on the Story side of the family and she is just precious. Victoria is two and is the cutest little thing ever. My favorite thing about her is she has extreme cases of stranger danger when it comes to boys! :)

Me and Husband after the ceremony. Surprised my face and hair haven't melted off...hottest day on record!

After the ceremony we headed to Lake Gaston to my Aunt and Uncle's lake house for the reception! :) After we walked in and Meg and Dave had the first dance everyone changed into casual comfy clothes! :) YAY! Here are some fun pics from the reception:
Father Daughter dance turned into the stanky leg!

The Cake. They cut it to American Honey.

The toast was shots of American Honey in personalized favor shot glasses. Now this here is probably the best picture of the night! Kateland just threw it back like a champ

Dancing with my buddy Victoria.

Apparently Victoria did not have stranger danger for Matt. :) He is gonna be the best Daddy!

Family Shot! :) For those of you that don't know that's Stuart Sister's new boyfriend :)

Worst Moment this week: You would think with all the wonderful going on the past two weeks that I couldn't possibly have a worst moment....yeah well leave it to me to have the unthinkable happen while at the Outerbanks. So one blustery day we are leaving the beach late in the afternoon and we are hauling all our mess back up. In order to clear the beach and reach the beach access I have to walk by the life guard stand. You would think that would mean if I've made it safely through an entire day on the beach I would be able to safely leave right?! No. Of course not. A huge gust of wind knocks the life guard's GIANT umbrella down which side swiped my right thigh. Thank you baby blood flow for allowing the LARGEST bruise (I seriously didn't think I would ever see the day that my Willie Nelson bruise would be out done) of my life! Don't believe me well judge for your self.

Gender: We'll find out June 29th at 10am!!!! BEYOND EXCITED!!!!!
Movement: Starting Father's day Baby Z went NUTS!!! Unfortunately Matt wasn't able to feel Baby Z move until the next day. We've found that our little bear cub is most active early in the morning or right before I should be eating. Imagine that our child gets excited over food who would have thought.
Food Craving: Ice cream, french fries (homemade of course) and shrimp (thankfully we were at the beach and were able to satisfy this craving daily!)
What I miss: getting to wear a two piece. I refuse to wear a two piece while pregnant I think its gross showing your gut when you have one regardless of the reason. I think bellies of all shapes and sizes should be covered at all times.
What I am looking forward to: GENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Symptoms: More prone to bruising
And here we are at week 20: Check us out all dolled up for Megan's wedding.

"I think bellies of all shapes and sizes should be covered at all times." ...Peeing my pants laughing at this. Agreed!!! :)