Just in case you need proof here are his little boy parts :) There is no doubt that there is a little boy growing inside of me :)

We are BEYOND excited!!!! Growing up with all sisters I always wanted a Big brother so I'm super excited that our first little one will be a Big Brother one day :) Also I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am for my parents, especially my Daddy :) He always wanted a little boy to take to games and to learn to play sports and of course above all to be a little boy scout following in the Bradshaw family tradition. But alas he had all girls and I was the closest he got to having a little boy :p So I'm really excited for my Daddy :) Getting to tell him and Mama today was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. They are beyond excited too! :) They would have been ecstatic regardless but having a little boy was the icing on the cake. This reminds me...when Mama and Daddy came for Matt's surprise party they bought their first present for Baby Z, a cute little blue mini Adirondack chair that matches the ones we have in our back yard! :) Precious :)
Here is our little boy yawning. Obviously he was bored with all the attention. :)

Baby Z in profile :)

However, the baby sac (remember I don't like the p word it creeps me out) is sitting a little low right up against the birth canal. It's a little early to be alarmed, but the good news is it's not yet covering it. They said if I were to go into labor I could still have a vaginal birth. I'll get another sonogram at week 28 when I do my glucose test to check on Baby Z and if the baby sac has moved up away from the birth canal in that period of time. Fingers crossed it does! :) Regardless at least little Z is healthy! :)
In other news he has been in rare kicking form today, it might have something to do with the little Starbies treat I had this morning before my doctor's appointment :) Baby likes fraps too!
This weekend we have PLANS to go to BabiesRUs to scope some things out for Baby Z, as well as hit up one of the outlet malls! OMG I cannot wait to buy my little bundle of joy a sweater vest! {insert a squeal of joy} I'll have lots of fun updates next week from our shopping adventure :)
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