Date: Technically this was the week of June 11th, obviously due to our two week hiatus from civilization its late :)
How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained two pounds this week so we are still at -2.
Maternity Clothes: Cotton summer dresses oh how I love you! :)
Best Moment this week: The Jersey Shore (Wildwood) with the Zelman Family. As many of you know I had rarely made trips north of the Mason Dixon line until I met Matt. Well needless to say in the past four years I have made many trips north, however this week I made my first ever trip to a Northern Beach. My entire life the most north I ever went was Virginia Beach. Our family always went further south to OBX for our summer vacation and the occasional Myrtle or Daytona thrown into the mix. Needless to say expectations were extremely low due to MTV. I just knew that we were in for an extremely small beach with folks packed in like sardines, Italian stallions fist pumping at the drop of a hat and since it is Jersey we are talking about I just assumed it would be DIRTY. Well boy was I wrong! The beach was gorgeous and there was so much of it. I guess that's what you get when you have to PAY to go on the beach. Thankfully we were there a week before the beach is 'in season' so we didn't have to worry about having a beach pass.
Here we are me, Baby Z, Matt and Uncle Dan lounging on the beach.

AC Boardwalk

Matt and I on the AC Boardwalk. Side note: I promise I have more clothes that fit other than this dress. It makes multiple appearances through out the next week and I promise in each instance it has been washed!
Jersey brought a lot of firsts for Baby Z. First beach trip, first gambling experience, first round of putt putt and first fried snickers! OMG if I could get one of those everyday I would! TO DIE FOR.
Here is a little montage from our putt putt games over the week.Gender: We'll find out June 29th at 10am!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!
Movement: This week I began to feel bits of movement here and there. The worst part about early movement is that it feels like gas. Seriously though its the best way to describe it. You know when you've eaten something that hasn't set well and you feel that gas pocket move across your belly. It's subtle but you know you felt something. Yeah well that's what its like and I didn't realize it was the baby until 15-20 minutes later when I haven't yet farted. Now this describes the sudden little flutter moments of the baby. Baby Z is a little wiggle worm and has a tendency to do some amazing acrobatics in the womb on occasion...I'm talking flips. The best way to describe these little flips is a roller coaster ride. You know when you go down that first HUGE drop? And your stomach floats up a little and you get that weird feeling. To me that's the same feeling I get when the baby flips only intensified a little and with a little pressure from the inside out.
Food Craving: ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!!! We went to this AMAZING place called Duffers, we had no idea what were we in for. Look at the size of these sundaes and banana splits!
Dan with his "Here Comes the Fudge" sundaeMy banana split!
Debbie's Marshmallow Sundae
What I miss: Having a nice cold drink in my hand while my toes are in the sand at the beach.
What I am looking forward to: GENDER!!!!!!
Symptoms: The belly it poking out enough now that the belly button is REALLY shallow...this should get interesting.
And here we are at week 19: Mama and Baby Z are ready to fist pump it on the Jersey Shore!
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