Pregnancy Highlights:
Date: May 23, 2011 (a week late)
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: We are still sitting at about -5 so far for the weight gain.
Maternity Clothes: I've just been buying comfy summer dresses
Best Moment this week: We had a wonderful four day weekend in Ohio for a wedding celebration and family time! :) Our fabulous trip started on Thursday, side note I do not enjoy the PA Turnpike normally but its a bigillion times worse now that I'm pregnant and I need to pee more :( We made it into town just in time for the rain...woo hooo! The rehersal for Scott and Erica's wedding was gorgeous and we had a nice time at the rehersal dinner. For the Big Day, all the boys were meeting in our room at 11AM dressed and ready to impress...cue a very cranky dressed up bear :( Poor dear! I left them to the photographer and went to have a mani and pedi :) Cue the second torrential down pour of the weekend. Torrential Down Pour -2 Rebecca-0
Met up with my handsome husband at the church and I got a nice little escort to my seat :) Gorgeous wedding and Erica looked fabulous! After the wedding there was a bit of time between the ceremony and reception so I headed back to the hotel for a bit. Torrential Down Pour-3 Rebecca-0 The reception was wonderful and we had a blast.

Another great highlight of Week 15 was getting to see Sister. She was in Arlington for the week so I drove out and we had a little adventure together :)
Gender: I cannot wait to find out!!
Movement:I'm not sure what is going on lately....
Food Craving: sweet treats :)
What I miss: My boobs fitting into my clothes... I mean seriously come on!:(
What I miss: My boobs fitting into my clothes... I mean seriously come on!:(

What I am looking forward to: Kateland's visit :)
Symptoms: lower back pain :(
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