Date: May 10, 2011 (a week late..opps)
How Far Along: 13 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I lost two more pounds. Total weight loss of 10 pound in the first trimester :) Way to eat healthy for that baby!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet...but I have had to get larger size shirts and some stretchy dresses to accomodate the gals and the shift in weight to my mid section.
Best Moment this week: Baby Z' first Road Trip with Aunt Sister to Charlotte. We were sad to be away from Daddy for so long, but had an amazing weekend.

In almost all the pictures that Malissa took of me from the weekend I'm eating...awesome!

We drove down Friday and spent the night in Fort Mill with our cousin Gavin. :) So good getting to spend some QT with him.

The bridal party ready to go out in Charlotte for my cousin Meg's bach party.

Double desserts: One for me and one for Baby Z.

Baby Z's first bar experience :)
Gender: We don't know yet..a few more weeks and we will! :D
Movement: Nope still a little too early
Food Craving: waffles
What I miss: cute dress skirts and peep toe pumps for the spring :)
Sleep: I was a straight baller two nights in a row. 2:30 AM!!! Woo hooo! However I got home sunday at 8:00PM ate supper and was in bed by 8:30 plum tuckered out!
What I am looking forward to: Anniversary weekend with the Hubby :)
Symptoms: This is super gross and I'm sorry in advance, bloody nose. :(
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