Pregnancy Highlights:
Date: May 10, 2011
How Far Along: 14 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I gained 3 pounds this week!Maternity Clothes: I need to stop being lazy and start investing in something...
Best Moment this week: Family trip to PA to celebrate our one year anniversary! :) We had an AMAZING weekend! Saturday we spent walking around and looking at all the historic stuff which was a blast.

Matt with the Liberty Bell :)

Me with James Madison, Father of the Constitution, reppin' the big VA! :) PS who knew he was so short?!? PS you can see a bit of a baby bump forming in this pic

Matt drinking Alexander Hamilton's federalist brew at City Tavern.
We also made a stop at Franklin Fountain and got some AMAZING homemade icecream! :D Baby Z loved it! On Sunday we stopped at the Reading Terminal Market before heading out and grabbed a cone from Bassest's. President Obama got ice cream from them too! :) The last stop before we headed back home was the Philadelphia Museum of Art, you know the where Rocky was filmed running up the steps!

Bear gazing at Warhol :)
Gender: I cannot wait to find out!!
Movement: Nope still a little too early
Food Craving: ICE CREAM
What I miss: Not getting winded climbing up the stairs
Sleep: seriously nightmares? ugh!
What I am looking forward to: Our week 14 appointment tomorrow! Scott and Erica's wedding, getting to see all our Ohio Family this weekend! :)
Symptoms: lower back pain :(
And now the moment we have all been waiting for...Belly pics! Note: Please excuse my clothes and my face, I attribute them all to extreme tiredness from walking around in Philly all weekend. :)

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