Date: May 31, 2011
How Far Along: 17 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: We are still sitting at about -5 so far for the weight gain.
Maternity Clothes: So far I'm just sticking to cotton summer dresses and that is working great! :)
Best Moment this week: Getting to see my cousin Rachel! She is finally home from Afghanistan. On Friday night we met the family at Joe's for pizza: Aunt Ronda, Uncle Andy, Grandma Hazel, Uncle Russell (Grandma's brother), Aunt Kay, Cousin Anna from NC. Rachel, Clyde and Kylie Rae met us there. OMG I cried so much! It was so wonderful seeing her. Later we went back over to my Uncle and Aunt's to hang out. It was so great for all of us to be together with Rachel home and just sit and talk :)
Saturday was the big Pig Pickin' to welcome Rachel home properly. As promised here are some pictures from the shindig:
This is the gorgeous pig that we feasted upon.
My dad was determined to get someone to eat pig's feet.
No Pig Pickin' is complete without some bluegrass...
...or partakin' in a little bit of shine!
Four generations of Bradshaws :)
Grandma Hazel rode on a motorcycle!
Gender: We'll find out in 4 more weeks! So far boy is by far the favorite prediction, with Aunt Pam and Aunt Kay being the lone girl votes.
Movement: Little ones here and there :) Can't wait until they are much easier to discern.
Food Craving: sweet treats :)
What I miss: being able to be around alcohol without someone FREAKIN' out thinking that I will also partake...please I'm responsible. I was told on multiple occasions that I should not drink, thank you what did I do my first 17 weeks of pregnancy without you here? I also miss not having people tell me what I should name my child in all seriousness. Now my cousin Gavin and my Sister have "picked out" hilarious names for the baby and I normally share these hilarious stories...have I not on here? Opps. Okay Sister wants the baby to be named Bartholomew and Gavin wants the babe to be Thomas Jefferson Bradshaw Zelman. He went all out with his name choice. So I'm telling this story to the family and my cousin Anna gets all serious and goes you should really consider Thomas that's my Daddy's name. Yes and that is what YOU named YOUR child. Why would I want to name my child after your father??? Awkward.
What I am looking forward to: A three day work week. :) A fun weekend at home with more friends this weekend! :)
Symptoms: I'm experiencing my own personal summer...awesome...NOT!
And here we are at week 17: Rachel, Me and the littlest Jookiebean in my belly :)