We are super excited for our trip. I have all of Noah's stuff packed into the baby green suitcase. We could have easily brought it as a carry on, but we figured for our first trip that the less "baggage" with us through the airport the easier it will be. So we are checking Noah's bag, our bag, the pack-n-play and Noah's carrier. I cannot believe we will be in Cali only Friday, Saturday and Sunday but we are bringing so much SHIT! I have always been an over packer, planning for any unplanned events or weather. But now I have to plan set outfits and back ups in case Noah throws up on one or all of us :P So we have back up outfits for the plane which means more stuff in our carry on bags. The good new is Noah is packed....except the diaper bag which I'm still working on. Mama still needs to pack too :p
My biggest worry about this trip is milk/pumping. We'll be getting up at 5am to be at the airport in time for our 8:30am flight to LAX. I'll wait until we are about ready to leave to pump since the milk is good unrefrigerated for up to four hours which puts us at around 9:30ish. So I will def have to pump probably twice on the plane **awkward** Can you see it? Me propped up in an airplane stall with the gals out pumping a little bump of turbulence and the milk goes flying. No milk = Cranky Noah/Stressed Mama. And you know that I will be covered in milk stains for the rest of the day. Awesome. So let's just hope that the pumping on the airplane is a successful mission and not an epic fail.
The plan for today is to finish packing EVERYTHING to be ready for our 5am wake up. We are still debating waking Noah up to change him/dress him, or to just put him in his carrier and worry about all the fuss at the airport once we've gone through security. I'll pump before we leave. We'll check everything except our back pack and back pack diaps bag and of course Noah, he comes with us ;) I plan to lug Noah threw the airport in the front carrier. We are doing a trail run today to/from the park. Once threw security we will IMMEDIATELY find coffee :) We should be getting to LAX around 11ish PST. We'll get bags and the rental car, then drive to Malibu to meet up with Aunt Kim :) I'm super excited to see all the dino lovers together at long last :) The rest of the weekend will be spent at the Bat Mitzvah with Matt's family, we are so excited for every to see/meet Noah :) Who doesn't want to meet this cool dude?? :P

I'll be back with some major updates next week on our plane ride and Cali trip! Until then, I'll leave you with Noah's newest trick....sticking out his tongue!

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