A is for age. 29. I don't know why this number looks so forlorn...
B is for breakfast today. Oatmeal :)
C is for current craving. Coooffffeeeeeeeee
D is for dinner tonight. I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He is my very own personal chef :)
E is for favorite type of exercise. Ugh. There is no way I have a favorite. But I guess if I have to pick something it would be something fun like DANCE :)
F is for irrational fear. Tunnels and elevators when they are packed. I think the tunnel is gonna fill with water or cave in and we'll all die. I hyperventilate sometimes...and the elevator. I hate that feeling of confined spaces with no where to go and you feel like that last person that just stepped on is sucking out the last bit of air and now you know that life will pick this moment for the power to go out and you'll be stuck with this stinky man's BO and this other person breathing all your air. *awkward face*
G is for gross food. I had an issue with Chicken while I was pregnant. Couldn't smell it and couldn't eat it. Thought it was DISGUSTING. Thank goodness that is finally coming to an end :)
H is for hometown. Carrsville, VA. Holla!

K is for Kids. Noah Clinton Irving Zelman :)

M is for the most recent way you spent money. I do believe it was coffee last night. Starbucks. It was our last stop in Petersburg for the final home stretch :)
N is for something you need. A haircut, eyebrow wax and pedi. And a massage! :)
O is for occupation. Northrop Grumman Account Manager for the GovTrip project. But I just wish my only job was being a Mommy and Wife :) Ah, a girl can dream ;)
P is for pet peeve. Plural versus possessive. Misusing you, your and you're. Misusing to versus too.
Q is for quote. "Forget regret or life is yours to miss." :) Oh how I love quoting musicals :)
R is for random fact about you. I am legally blind. :( For reals if my contacts are not in or I don't have on my glasses...everything is a beautiful colorful blur.
S is for favorite healthy snack. Apple slices, grapes or carrots :) And occasionally if I need something more in the "treat" realm I go for some rice cakes (chocolate or caramel)
T is for favorite treat. Coffee treat: Peppermint mocha latte. Candy treats: Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs Who am I kidding...I love all treats and they are all my favorites in that particular moment...
U is for something that makes you unique. When I choke, it is followed by a ton of coughing...then I sneeze.
V is for favorite vegetable. Potatoes (sweet or regular), corn and snaps (green beans)
W is for today’s workout. Let's hope I can drag my tired butt to the gym today. :) In other good news I've cracked the 140s :) wooot!
X is for x-rays you’ve had. Mouth (teeth), neck (car accident), back (car accident), knees (both), ankles (both)...thank you basketball for the later two :P
Y is for yesterday’s highlight. Getting back to VA at a reasonable hour :)
Z is for your time zone. 6...I mean Eastern.
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