How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +4 pounds--WHAT? Seriously that scale at the doctor has to be broken! Or maybe its the fact that I haven't pooped in two days :( (total +17, counting the original -10)
Maternity Clothes: Old Navy stretchy skirts and cotton summer dresses are my saving grace
Best Moment this week: Our lazy weekend was very nice. And I purchased two new bras...everything feels much more supported! :) We heard our little boy's heartbeat this morning 152 bpm. :)
Gender: Boy
Movement: He's a little wiggle worm that's for sure. I forgot to mention that my son has already started to throw tantrums while in my belly. I'm not making this up. We have a BIG meeting in the office biweekly where all the important folks from our project give updates to our project manager. Baby Z does not like these meetings...just like his Daddy that is for sure. It's like Baby Z knows what his Daddy is thinking and acts it out by kicking me in the bladder or an occasional kidney punch. I realized today while I was in a meeting with my manager that my child does not like him either. He threw an all out tantrum (H--I figured you would really appreciate this mental image.)
Food Craving: I seriously need to lay off the sweets :(
What I miss: Not having to get up to pee once or twice in the middle of the night and waking the sleeping babe inside of you. My child thinks its time for midnight margarita's and proceeds to have a conga line while I'm trying to get back to sleep.
What I am looking forward to: Uncle Dan's birthday is tomorrow and we'll be going out to DC to celebrate on Friday! :) Saturday night Matt and I have a date to watch Casablanca at Wolf Trap :) :) I cannot believe July is OVER!!! Where did the month go??? Next month will bring our 3rd Trimester, Baby Showers, Preggo Pics, Sono/Glucose Test and my 10-year HS reunion. Lots of stuff going us for our little Zelman Family.
Here we are at Week 25 needing a new bra!

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