How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +.5 pounds (total +13, counting the original -10)
Maternity Clothes: Can I get an Amen for working from home?!?! :)
Best Moment this week: Girls night at was AWESOME! I love food! :) Also my Uncle Andy was in DC for a training and my Aunt Ronda and little Miss Kylie Rae came along for the fun. They came to visit on Tuesday which was a blast :)
Gender: Boy
Movement: I'm pretty sure our little guy is gonna want to take karate when he is older...OMG how cute would that be! :)
Food Craving: Dum Dums and any other lollis I can get my hands on!
What I miss: Feeling comfortable in my own skin.
What I am looking forward to: One of my fav authors Jennifer Weiner has a new book out that I started this week, I'm super excited to finish it this weekend! :) Also in the works is a huge closet clean of our whole house. I really need to give away some things and get all my stuff out of Baby Z's closet. We moved the bed from his room down to our guest room in the basement last weekend with Uncle Dan's help. So I'm really excited for all the fun stuff ahead. I have lists and plans for lots of organizing! :)
And here we are in all our Knocked Up glory! ;)

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