Weight: -20 pounds, 10 pounds to go!
Boobs: My milk supply has evened out. I've giving 3-5 ounces at each pump now versus the 5-8 that was happening for a while there. And we are putting a dent in the freezer madness!
Pain: Minor. I had my check up on Wednesday and my scar is looking phenom! :) I have my followup in four more weeks! I'm not gonna lie I have thought I had metastasis several times....
Breastfeeding/Pumping: Starting this week (October 9-15) Noah is still not considered full term gestationally so I decided to give myself a break and not try to stress him or myself out and we just stuck with the bottle. Starting next week we will begin working the boob back in with the bottle feedings.
Noah Update: Noah had his checkup on Tuesday, our little porker gained 11 ounces since his discharge from the NICU on Friday. He is now 6.3 pounds. And he is almost 20 inches in length as well. His feeding def picked up when we got home. He has this little tiny waist, but his belly is bulging out on the sides so it looks so adorable. Fat skinny boy :) He is now taking between 2-4 ounces a feeding :) His little belly button is falling off in pieces, but there is still a tiny little bit left. I cannot wait for it to come off because it drives me nuts :( When he pees he sometimes has these tiny little crystals on him after, they are called urate crystals and apparently are not a big deal. The doctor wasn't concerned. Surprisingly I haven't freaked out about it at all...look at me growing up! :) Our first week at home was great, Noah would feed every 3 hours. His diapers looked good, so there were no major issues. Matt helped out greatly and we would trade off with the feedings: he took the midnight/1am shift and I took the rest. It let me get some sleep by going to bed early and I would let him sleep in. Next week with him back at work will be a little bit of a challenge, thankfully he works from home so if we need him hell be in hollering distance!
Noah did great in his car seat riding to the doctor both Tuesday and Wednesday. He did pee on the doctor's table on Tuesday when they took off his diaper to check out all his little parts. After the doctor's appointment Matt and I had a lunch date in Helga in the Wendy's parking lot. We weren't quite ready to venture inside to eat in a restaurant yet. We did however proceed to the mall to purchase Noah some fashionable jeans for our family photos on Saturday. Tiniest pair of jeans I have ever seen in my life and they were absolutely adorable! :) Mama and Daddy got some treats from Starbs! Noah did fabulous. We successfully used the stroller twice too! :) Yay team Z!
Saturday was a very eventful day. The entire family (Bradshaws and Zelmans) came to have pictures taken with Noah by our favorite photographer Marirosa Anderson. Here is a little sneak peek from our day:

That night we went over to my in laws because they hosted a baby shower for us, and of course we had a special guest of honor in attendance! :) All in all it was a wonderful weekend!
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