Our Baby Care class on Wednesday was very informative, we got a lot of good information about general care of the baby (especially taking care of a little newly circumcised penis...not something I can ask my Mama about). Surprisingly, we were the youngest couple in the class which I guess is typical in the NOVA area. However, if we were back in Carrsville, we would have definitely been the oldest couple in the class. Matt was much more relaxed going into the class having excelled at Baby Training camp with Liam the week before...he was able to proudly answer that he had indeed changed a diaper before! :) We learned different ways to hold the baby and somehow for Team Z it always came back to a sports reference: there is the Heisman and the football holds for example. The bath information was also extremely useful. I think we both appreciated the section on when to call the Doctor and what information you should have ready (ie the baby's current temperature!). Good stuff! We also found out how many dirty diapers the baby should be providing us on a daily basis starting day 1 until....lets just say it multiples...quickly! Of course with us being the mature adults we are there has to be a good story from our class experience right?! Well here goes....so there was a video all about soothing your crying baby and different things to check (diapers, hungry, etc) to see what the cry might mean. The video got to the point where the baby is crying and you cannot figure out what is wrong and suggested methods for calming/soothing the baby. One method was skin to skin contact. In the video there is a dude with his little baby on his naked chest...not too alarming at first. But the dude then goes "oh yeah! That's better!" in a completely in appropriate tone. I can feel Matt laughing and I can't look at him. When I do I about lose it. We are both in hysterics over the absurdity of how skin to skin contact was portrayed. The worst part is we look around the room and no one else seemed bothered by it...oh well. We had a good laugh. Needless to say when our son arrives, if skin to skin contact is needed and Matt volunteers his services I have no doubt in my mind that it will be followed with an "Oh yeah! That's much better!"
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 33 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +1 (total +28..ugh!)
Maternity Clothes: I caved and purchased a nice pair of Khakis and a pair of jeans and a few fall tops to get me through these last few weeks :) Old Navy is the best!
Best Moment(s) this week: We got to park in the Expectant Mothers spot at work (two weeks in a row!) SCORE!!!! I'm telling you its the little things that really matter :)
Gender: Boy
Movement: He is still moving A LOT, but I can tell he has gotten MUCH bigger and therefore his space is limited. Movement is now restricted to hiccups (which happen at least once daily...little porker!), limb stretches (I can see little hands, feet, knees and elbows poking out--sick but totally awesome at the same time) and slight position adjustments. No more flips and major movements.
Food Craving: Peach Milkshakes, Apple Juice, Cheese & Crackers
What I miss: Being able to wear my rings :( I miss them!
What I am looking forward to: Tonight we have our Breastfeeding class and on Saturday our Child Birth Express class. They should be entertaining no doubt! :)
Weekly Goals: Here is a recap of how well I did with my To-Do list last week
Put away Baby Z's towels and wash cloths-Success!
Finish helping Matt hang up all this stuff in his Man Cave :)-We get half credit...almost there!
Wash sheets and make beds in guest bedroom-Half credit again, sheets washed (and I washed ours too!) but no beds were made
Organize guest bedroom-Success!
Schedule Eye Appointment-Fail!
Assemble stroller-Fail!
Put car seat in Helga for next week's inspection-Fail!
Get car insurance straight-Success! Thank you Husband!
Call HR about maternity leave-Success! However, I will have to follow up....booo!
This week's goals:
Make beds in guest bedroom
Schedule Eye Appointment
Assemble stroller
Put car seat in Helga for inspection on Friday
Start washing Baby Z's newborn clothes (hopefully he will be able to wear them for a little bit!)
Cancel my old car insurance
And without further ado here we are with less than 7 weeks to go, unless he decides to be early! :D Hey Baby Hey Baby Hey! My future little Hokie is on the way! :):)

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