Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +3 (total +26..ugh!)
Maternity Clothes: Well its finally come to that point where my shirts that I have been making work no longer hide the ENTIRE I will be making some maternity purchases this weekend to get me through the last few weeks and the beginning of Fall!
Best Moment(s) this week: In no particular order
1. Our Ohio Visit for Labor Day!
We had an amazing time! The main purpose of our visit was for Matt to attend "Training Camp", his words not mine. With football fast approaching you can see where this reference came from. Bill, Sara and Ali Scott welcomed their newest edition to the Scott family a week before...William Warren Scott IV or Liam for short.

It worked out perfectly that we were able to see everyone and also give Matt an opportunity to hold a newborn, change a newborn and burp a new born. Unfortunately, Matt doesn't have the proper equipment to feed a newborn ;) It was also wonderful for me too to get to talk with Sara about her pregnancy and breastfeeding a new born. :) They are amazing friends and we are so lucky that they shared their house with us...and both their babies! :)

Such an alert little fella :) Look at those cute lips! :)

Matt changing a diaper for the first time! He did an excellent job! :)

Successful change and no causalities!!! :)

The whole big Ohio Family threw us an awesome surprise shower on Saturday, which was extremely sweet. Matt has some truly amazing friends and I am so blessed to have been welcomed into the family with open arms :)

Laura put together some really fun games for the guys to play. The highlight was by far the guys having to chug a beer out of a baby bottle.

Here is Matt looking like a bear eating him some honey!
The other game was guess what the baby food is...hilarious!

2. Pumkin Spice Lattes are back at Starbs...they made their appearance on Sept 6th (Matt and I had been together exactly 4 years!!)
4. Our little guy's heart rate is still sounding great! We had a check up on Wednesday.
5. We found Baby Z a pediatrician. :)
6. We hit up the outlets while in Ohio and I found the CUTEST sweater vest outfit for Baby Z for Christmas!!!

Gender: Boy
Movement: None stop! I can tell he is getting much bigger...his movements are so crazy these days!
Food Craving: Salad :) A nice healthy change
What I miss: Well I cannot wait to escape my own personal poor husband has suffered through some crazy low air settings this summer. Hopefully with Fall quickly approaching we can fix that thermostat without me dying of a heat stroke! :)
What I am looking forward to: Tonight we tour the maternity ward at the hospital we will be delivering at! :) AND this weekend we will be purchasing a NEW family friendly vehicle. :)Weekly Goals: Here is a recap of how well I did with my To-Do list last week
Mail Thank You Notes -Success!
Unpack bathtub set -Success!
Store Car Seat in Baby Z's closet -Success! (Thanks to Matt for relocating it upstairs!)
Assemble rocker -Success! (He room is now complete!)
Wash all towels and wash cloths and put them away (Baby Z's of course) -Fail
Get packed for Ohio :) -Success!
All in all not too shabby!
Goals for this week:
Pay bills
Wash all towels and wash cloths and put them away
Wash Baby Z's clothes and put them away
Purchase Stroller
Wash Mustang (we'll be trading her in)
Purchase new vehicle
Finish helping Matt hang up all this stuff in his Man Cave :)
Wash sheets in guest bedroom
And without further ado here we are at with 9 weeks to go...can we say HELLO BELLY!

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