Hello 3rd Trimester!!! Wow I cannot believe how quickly our pregnancy has progressed...wow! Only 12 more weeks (or maybe less...hopefully not more!)!!!! Matt had a really great idea that since we are almost at the end, it would be fun if I did a little flashback to what I looked like when we started and how much our little boy has grown in (short) 28 weeks!!!!
Week 14
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 27

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +4 (total +21..ugh!)
Maternity Clothes: still holding out until the fall :)
Best Moment this week: The showers this weekend were a blast. Unfortunately I only took one picture and that was of one of the cakes that Mama and Kateland made.

The showers were a blast! Everyone seemed to have a great time. We played a lot of fun games but my favorite game by far was "Guess the poop!" Hahaha so sick I know! They melted candy bars in diapers and you had to pass them around to identify what the "poop" was. Baby Z was showered with lots and lots of goodies, so Aunt Kateland has been super busy helping us get it all organized this week.

And my most favorite moment of this week by far is my Mommy made a special trip to visit us just to paint Baby Z's room! Here is Baby Z's Jo Jo hard at work painting his wall!

The dino mural covers one wall of his room that is right above his crib! He is such a loved little boy :)

Gender: Boy
Movement: I can tell he is getting bigger! Instead of his movements being concentrated to one specific area, when he moves now I can feel him in several places at once!
Food Craving: Pineapple
What I miss: a good night's sleep
What I am looking forward to: Aunt Kateland is here visiting with us until Tuesday, so it is fun having her here help get all of Baby Z's stuff organized in his room. I'm excited to get the rest of his stuff organized and set up this weekend! :) As well as marking off some major things on our "To Do" list! :) We are also getting maternity pics taken on Saturday! :) And next Wednesday we have our OB visit and sono to check up on little Z!
I thought it would be fun to do a little comparison. Here we are at the start of the Second Trimester (Week 14) and the start of the Third Trimester (Week 28)!
Week 14
Week 28
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