My Aunt Kathy had a fabulous idea (Hi Aunt Kathy!), that I should post baby pics of both Matt and myself to allow folks to start making some guesses as to what Baby Z might look like! :) So here y'all go:
Matt (close to 2 years old in this pic) and Uncle Dan

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +2 (total +23..ugh!)
Maternity Clothes: still holding out until the fall :) Might make an effort to get a pair of pants next weekend when we are home again
Best Moment this week: Having an extremely productive weekend! We got a lot accomplished with the house this weekend despite the heavy wind and rain from Irene on Saturday :)
Worst Moment this week: My doctor's office called early this morning (Tuesday) to inform me that the results from my glucose test (taken last Wednesday) were a little higher than they would like. According to my doctor they like to see the results less than 140, this is crazy to me because Kateland has type II diabetes and I am used to having to monitor her blood sugar. Less than 200 is good, but preferably in the 130-170 range. My blood sugar was 153, which is normal according to Kateland's doctor. Then again I am pregnant, caring for another little life form so I'll suck it up. Mama had gestational diabetes with all three pregnancies in her third I wouldn't be surprised if my blood sugar is a little higher than normal. However, she never had to be given medication, she was only told to avoid sweets and sugars. I am not looking forward to that being the results or medication...UGH! I have a sweet tooth like no other! :( The worst part is that I have to go back in for another test, only this time its 3 hours long :( Starting midnight on Thursday (yeah I never normally make it past 10:30 these days) I cannot have anything to eat or drink. I'll go into my OB's office at 8AM where I will have to drink that nasty drink again. They will draw blood an hour later. I'll then have to drink another nasty drink and they'll draw more blood in another hour. I'll drink another nasty drink and they'll draw more blood in another hour. Yes that is 3 hours of sitting at my OB's office drinking nasty drink and having my blood taken. All during which I cannot eat or drink. This is not going to be a pleasant day.
Gender: Boy
Movement: None stop!
Food Craving: We have been loving on some preacher cookies lately! :) That may all change soon....
What I miss: I'm sure this is more for Matt, but I feel really awful when I roll over in the middle of the night because its a HUGE production. I have a hard time rolling over without some effort and a lot of grunting, then you factor in my body pillow...which always somehow whomps Matt. Poor dear :( I cant wait to be able to sleep through the night without waking up my husband.
What I am looking forward to: This weekend is Labor Day weekend and we will be making a trek up to Ohio to see the family and the newest edition Mr. Liam Scott! :) We are so excited to see everyone! :) Matt is super duper excited to get his hands on some dirty diapers and help put on some clean ones! :D It will be good practice for both of us to be around a new born baby boy! :)
Weekly Goals: Here is a recap of how well I did with my To-Do list last week
Organize the basement closet-This task was semi complete. I bought a tub from Target (my fav!) to organize the rest of Matt's music stuff that is currently in an ugly crate. That is the last remaining bit that needs to be organized.
Get a curtain rod and curtain for said closet (with our new rearrange the bed is so close you can't open the doors. Matt took them off this weekend! woo hoo!)-Complete! Well the second part of the curtain needs to be hung, but Irene delayed our schedule a bit :P
Fill out Jury Duty questionnaire-Complete
Finish Thank You Notes from Shower-Complete
Mail Thank You Notes-Epic Fail! I'll have them mailed tomorrow! :)
Discuss labor and expectations/birth plan with OB on Wednesday-Complete! Woo hoo for my tat not conflicting with being able to get an epidural if I want :)
Unpack bathtub set-Fail. However, in my defense we did assemble the diaper genie and the swing and get those set up! :)
Goals for this week:
Mail Thank You Notes
Unpack bathtub set
Store Car Seat in Baby Z's closet
Assemble rocker (yay the last big piece of furniture is in to make his room complete!)
Wash all towels and wash cloths and put them away (Baby Z's of course)
Get packed for Ohio :)
And without further ado here we are at 30 weeks!