Ben, my brother (yes I now officially have two brothers), graduated from VCU the weekend after we returned from our honeymoon. We met up with my family for a quick lunch to give them presents from our trip and catch up! Let me preface the next update with my family has a weird obsession with cemeteries...I think it might be a southern thing I'm not really sure, but I cannot tell you how many pictures were taken growing up in cemeteries with our dead kin folk. No you cannot make this up and unfortunately one holiday weekend Matt went with me home to Carrsville and got to partake in these festivities...poor Matt. I went with my family to the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond.

Here are a few pictures from Ben's graduation:

The following weekend I went to the Vintage Virginia Wine Festival with the girls.

Of course we almost had an altercation with a stupid B! We all decided to get ice cream because it was sooooooooo freakin hot outside and we were pretty dehydrated from all the wine we'd been drinkin'. There were tons of people but we found a picnic table with one whole side uninhabited, so me being nice and polite ask if it would be okay to sit down. Rude ass girl "no my friends are sitting there this is our table." Number one I completely understand the concept of having to save seats when you have a big group, however her friends were no where around and she did not have to be rude. She could have nicely said I'm sorry someone is sitting there and they will be back shortly. Or even better what I would do, "my friends are actually sitting there, however feel free to have a seat until they return." So nothing pisses me off in Northern Virginia more then rude ass people! Megan is with us and she's about to get Jersey on this girl...seriously she was about to break her wine glass on the table and cut a bitch. So we took turns sitting down at another bench mean while glaring at this rude girl. Well this older couple sits down and so Sabrina and I decide to join them.

Well I guess the rude girl decided to text her friends and get reinforcements and this ugly ass B comes rollin' back to the table "oh excuse me we need you to leave this is our table and we are gonna eat now." Mind you this B had no food, so now you are not only rude but are lyin'. So that was it for me "I'm sorry please excuse us for sitting down while this table was not occupied. However, you do not need to be rude. You could use some manners and ask nicely. I bet your Mama sure is proud of the rude ass bitch she has raised." Megan starts pulling me away because she knew we would have to beat this girls ass if we stayed any longer. Megan then proceeded to have a photo shoot of the rude ass bitches.

We went up and saw Matt's beloved Red Sox at Camden yard for Matt's birthday. Please pardon the fact that we look like sweaty messes, it was hot, humid and then we were sprinkled with several rain showers.

The family came up for the 4th of July weekend to celebrate Dad's birthday. We got tickets and all went to the Nats game!

Matt with Teddy Williams, found a Red Sox at the Nationals Stadium :)

We cooked a birthday lunch for Daddy that included Home Made French Fries...yummmy!

Followed up by a fantastic fireworks display over our nation's capital! Happy Birthday America and Happy Birthday Dad! :)

Somewhere in the middle of all this NG started throwing around the idea of telework as a means to save money with less bodies having to rent space for a project. Our project at the time was located in 3 different sections of the building and this was a perfect opportunity to consolidate everyone back on the same floor. I telecommuted when I was on implementation for USDA, meaning I was in the office maybe one day a week or more/less depending on what was going on, but mostly I worked from a remote location. So ofcourse my name went into the hat when to ask if I would volunteer to be in the test phase. Can you picture me working at home all day by myself?? Yeah right! hahahah However, Matt was being considered as well. So I started thinking well if Matt was home at least I would have someone to talk we had a long talk about it and agreed it would be a good move for the both of us. :) Since early July Matt and I have successfully been working from home together. I love teleworking! I get up a little later since I don't have to make the drive into the office, however I'm in my desk chair working earlier than I would in the office. I'm much more productive and have a much better attitude. :) We still head into the office every Wednesday for our weekly meetings with the team. How awesome is it that I get to kiss my husband whenever I want during the day?!?! :) Heck yes! It was really nice because Kateland was able to come stay with us all last week :)
Somewhere in the past few weeks we had another girls night :)

Last weekend I went to the RIC to see Sister's new place and fell in love with the area she is living in. We were able to walk to eat and then we spent all day saturday shopping in Carytown. We got these AMAZING cupcakes, I ate the red velvet at the store Thank Jesus because stupid Belle, sister's minpin, attacked the box and ate the rest of my cupcakes on Sunday morning :( I helped her make cupcakes, cookies and brownies for her house warming party on Saturday night before going to see a Richmond Squirrels game with the rest of the family. Dad was invited to a box for the game since he is the president of VACO this year so we got a lot of yummy food and had a good time. I got a t-shirt that says "Squirrels gone wild!" cracked me up!
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