I love sweets! One of the hardest things about trying to fit in my dress was not eating an entire box of oreos in one sitting, a tub of ice cream or any other sweets that I would normally hoover into my pie hole. So after the wedding I went hog wild! :) I took a favorite lyric from the Animals to heart "It's my life and I'll do what I want!" And eat what I want now too! :) I have refused to get on a scale after the wedding so I have no idea how much weight I have put back on but I have attempted on most days to make an effort to tag along to the gym with Matt. Thank God I have a husband that wants to work out otherwise I would be a couch potato all the time. Once we returned from our honeymoon anytime I opened that freezer all I could think of was "Man I bet that red velvet cake in there would be really good." So I started begging Matt to let me eat that cake. No sense in waiting a year. Here is the funny part...I love traditions! To the point that I quoted Emily Post like it was my job for traditions associated to the wedding. But I think waiting a whole year for cake is a epic fail in my book. Well yesterday was our three month anniversary and I got cake!!! :)

I was extremely impressed with how moist and delish the cake was after hybernating in the freezer for three months. :)
Sister I have a piece with your name on it waiting for you to come get it! :) We have a pact, we always share anything red velvet! :D
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