For a while there I was doing pretty good giving updates every other day at least, now with crazy shenanigans at work I haven't really felt like setting aside time to provide updates. :( Boooo! It could also be that nothing interesting is occurring other than work.
Last week Matt and I met my cousin Linda at Tyson's for supper! :) Dr. Linda Bradshaw (I get so excited saying this because she has worked so freakin' hard for that title) is currently stationed in Turkey with the Air Force as a pediatrician but she was temporarily back in the states taking a class for her board review in October. It was so great getting to see her! :) I think my favorite moment of the night was when we were discussing how difficult it is to change names--I had a hell of a time with mine--then you throw in being located in a foreign country as well as all the certifications that she would have to change her name on...Geez. Matt said that it would be worth all the effort just to have her name be Dr. Jones. :) Nerds! :)
Friday I had margarita night at Guapos with the girls! :) So wonderful! :) Their strawberry margs are to die for :) Heaven! I could really go for one right now that I think about it.....
The weekend was a blur, Matt ended up having to work a lot helping out with this little beauty of an issue that we had in the system :( We did watch a few fun movies that we had dvr'ed from TCM.
I decided to treat myself on Monday to a mani and a pedi. My nails always hold up better when I pay for the polish....I wont bite it off or pick it off. When I do it myself it's gone the next day. My nails also grow when I get them done :) Yay! The last pedi I got was lime green, freakin' awesome, not too professional when I'm rockin' peep toes. I had a demo to do with many important people on Tuesday so I decided to tone the color down a bit before then.
In other wonderful and fabulous news....WE'RE GOING TO NOLA BABY!!!! :D
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Weekend Recap
Originally Matt and I were gonna make an attempt at the Prince William County Fair on Friday, but it was soooooooooo hot and we were both cranky from a looooooong week. Also did I mention I got to go for my yearly girlie doctor check up and we all know getting a pap is not about to improve my mood. So needless to say I didn't want to be mauled and Matt didn't want to have a little brat on his hands so we opted to stay in. We watched several old movies that we'd recorded of TCM...I must say if you have not seen the Odd Couple you must! :)
Saturday we got up fairly early, not our normal sleep until at least 10 kinda day. Matt went and got Manhattan for breakfast....yummmy! :) I love their cream cheeses!! :) Sister came and we traded clothes again, since I'm not working in the office I don't need as many dress clothes so I can loan out more clothes to her to use. We had a fabulous lunch at Olive Garden followed up with slices of the Red Velvet Cake at home! :)
We had a major build to our production environment on Saturday which meant Matt and I both had to complete post builds for our agencies when we got the go ahead...the crappy thing about this situation is you never know when you'll be free to test. They ended up not getting everything done until MUCH MUCH later than expected so thankfully we had until Sunday to turn in all our stuff...which is a VERY good thing because we had tickets to see MGMT at Merriweather on Saturday night.
The band that opened for MGMT sounded like a modern day version of the Talking Heads, they were pretty neat. MGMT was awesome. For those of you that don't know them...check them out it's well worth it. They are actually these two dudes, two weird but wickedly talented dudes.

They actually had other folks with them for the concert but it was pretty amazing. Two of my favs are Electric Feel and Time to Pretend, both off their first album but their second album has some pretty neat stuff on it too.
I read in EW recently that Vampire Weekend (LOVE THEM and seen them twice woot!)is in some kind of legal trouble over the picture of the lady on their Contra album cover. Apparently the dude that took this picture really didn't have the lady's permission to distribute it or whatever and now the band is getting sued for using it...OUCH!

We have two tickets to their show at Merriweather on Saturday, September 11th if anyone is interested! :)
I am now the proud owner of several sharpie pens, yes the ones being advertised on TV! I am a sucker for office supplies! SUCKER!! Super office supply NERD! They are amazing! The only let down is they don't smell like regular sharpies but they also do not bleed through regular notebook paper so I will take it :)
In other news I have a new obsession...Dulce de Leche icecream from Baskin Robbins aka TCBY. I had some Sunday, Monday and now tonight. I went big tonight and got the triple scoops however I could not finish and its in the freezer but I will be having it for snack tomorrow.
In other news we were paid a little visit we were leaving for BR on our icecream run something scrambled in the door as we are leaving. I about have a heartattack because it looked like a mouse scurried in. (I'm from the country and this is not an unusual occurance.) It was dark because we had all the lights off and we just assumed it must have been a leaf that blew in when the door opened...WRONG. It was a good hour or more later I realize that we are being visited by a little frog!

Matt took time out of his busy draft schedule to rescue the little guy and deposit him back outside. Yay Matt! :)
Yes his draft schedule, tonight is our draft party for his fantasy football team! And what does one do at a draft party...well you wear no pants and eat icecream. I talk trash to the other guys via Matt and cheer when Matt makes a pick. It's a fun party. Matt also just drafted Eddie Royal so there was a big celebration by this Hokie here! :)
I have ventured into Dum Dum city twice this week :( When I left the office Diana gave me a GIANT bag of dum dums. Megan and I call it dum dum city when I eat more than two dum dums in a sitting...normally in the count of 5-10 :( This is what happens when I have a stressful week in the office.
On a happy note I had lunch with Megs and A today and I will be having supper with all the girls on Friday (YAY Brina is back from vacay!). I also have H's package all ready to send now so I can FINALLY drop it off in the mail tomorrow! NOLA will probably be happening in another week which means we'll be there Labor Day weekend! :) Fun stuff! I love fun mini-vacays! :)
Saturday we got up fairly early, not our normal sleep until at least 10 kinda day. Matt went and got Manhattan for breakfast....yummmy! :) I love their cream cheeses!! :) Sister came and we traded clothes again, since I'm not working in the office I don't need as many dress clothes so I can loan out more clothes to her to use. We had a fabulous lunch at Olive Garden followed up with slices of the Red Velvet Cake at home! :)
We had a major build to our production environment on Saturday which meant Matt and I both had to complete post builds for our agencies when we got the go ahead...the crappy thing about this situation is you never know when you'll be free to test. They ended up not getting everything done until MUCH MUCH later than expected so thankfully we had until Sunday to turn in all our stuff...which is a VERY good thing because we had tickets to see MGMT at Merriweather on Saturday night.
The band that opened for MGMT sounded like a modern day version of the Talking Heads, they were pretty neat. MGMT was awesome. For those of you that don't know them...check them out it's well worth it. They are actually these two dudes, two weird but wickedly talented dudes.

They actually had other folks with them for the concert but it was pretty amazing. Two of my favs are Electric Feel and Time to Pretend, both off their first album but their second album has some pretty neat stuff on it too.
I read in EW recently that Vampire Weekend (LOVE THEM and seen them twice woot!)is in some kind of legal trouble over the picture of the lady on their Contra album cover. Apparently the dude that took this picture really didn't have the lady's permission to distribute it or whatever and now the band is getting sued for using it...OUCH!

We have two tickets to their show at Merriweather on Saturday, September 11th if anyone is interested! :)
I am now the proud owner of several sharpie pens, yes the ones being advertised on TV! I am a sucker for office supplies! SUCKER!! Super office supply NERD! They are amazing! The only let down is they don't smell like regular sharpies but they also do not bleed through regular notebook paper so I will take it :)
In other news I have a new obsession...Dulce de Leche icecream from Baskin Robbins aka TCBY. I had some Sunday, Monday and now tonight. I went big tonight and got the triple scoops however I could not finish and its in the freezer but I will be having it for snack tomorrow.
In other news we were paid a little visit we were leaving for BR on our icecream run something scrambled in the door as we are leaving. I about have a heartattack because it looked like a mouse scurried in. (I'm from the country and this is not an unusual occurance.) It was dark because we had all the lights off and we just assumed it must have been a leaf that blew in when the door opened...WRONG. It was a good hour or more later I realize that we are being visited by a little frog!

Matt took time out of his busy draft schedule to rescue the little guy and deposit him back outside. Yay Matt! :)
Yes his draft schedule, tonight is our draft party for his fantasy football team! And what does one do at a draft party...well you wear no pants and eat icecream. I talk trash to the other guys via Matt and cheer when Matt makes a pick. It's a fun party. Matt also just drafted Eddie Royal so there was a big celebration by this Hokie here! :)
I have ventured into Dum Dum city twice this week :( When I left the office Diana gave me a GIANT bag of dum dums. Megan and I call it dum dum city when I eat more than two dum dums in a sitting...normally in the count of 5-10 :( This is what happens when I have a stressful week in the office.
On a happy note I had lunch with Megs and A today and I will be having supper with all the girls on Friday (YAY Brina is back from vacay!). I also have H's package all ready to send now so I can FINALLY drop it off in the mail tomorrow! NOLA will probably be happening in another week which means we'll be there Labor Day weekend! :) Fun stuff! I love fun mini-vacays! :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
1. I love So You Think You Can Dance! My favorite dance of the season was the hip hob routine Alex Wong and Twitch performed. Ellen ruined it for me last night. That mess was HORRIBLE! They should have just showed the original tape...what the trash!?!?! Side note: Yay Lauren :)
2. I hate having to get the Pap done yearly.
3. All of this rain is making me super duper sleepy.
4. It's still up in the air, but we might be making a trip to NOLA Sunday week! There is a training class for my beloved USDA and we are short trainers right now so they might send me. I'm excited because half the leads for USDA that I work with daily are based down there so it would be a fun visit. I say we because my husband can come to since we now work from home...home hotel whatevs! :P How wicked awesome is all that amazing food going to be!?!?! YUMMMY!
5. Huge major relase goes in tomorrow which means I'll be testing for my agency, which means I'm ready to call it a day now!
6. Stoked to see MGMT tomorrow with Matt! :) :) :)
7. Sister is coming to visit tomorrow and I sure hope she brings some delicious cupcakes to make up for the ones her dog ate! ;)
8. I really need to do laundry...but no motivation what so ever :(
9. If one more person asked me when we are going to have a baby I think i'll shove my fist down their throat. No this is not baby weight...this is I dont care anymore because I fit in my wedding dress and now I will eat what I want weight! No this is NOT a pregnancy hair cut, this is a I grew my hair out for Rachel's wedding and kept it long for my and now I'm sick of it being long because it's so damn hot haircut. And most of these individuals making references to us having babies, well guess probably aren't on the list to be notified when we make that decision any way so stop asking! Okay that was mean...sorry.
10. We have lots of fun stuff to look forward to in the next few months:
A. New Orleans??
B. Sara, Bill and Ali visit!! :)
C. Fall Camping with the Ohio Fam
D. The Homestead with the family :)
E. Jessica and Matt's wedding in Georgia :)
F. Harry Potter World :):):):) I could probably and will probably make an entire post about this fabulous
11. I completely left Hokie Football off that list but its included! :)
2. I hate having to get the Pap done yearly.
3. All of this rain is making me super duper sleepy.
4. It's still up in the air, but we might be making a trip to NOLA Sunday week! There is a training class for my beloved USDA and we are short trainers right now so they might send me. I'm excited because half the leads for USDA that I work with daily are based down there so it would be a fun visit. I say we because my husband can come to since we now work from home...home hotel whatevs! :P How wicked awesome is all that amazing food going to be!?!?! YUMMMY!
5. Huge major relase goes in tomorrow which means I'll be testing for my agency, which means I'm ready to call it a day now!
6. Stoked to see MGMT tomorrow with Matt! :) :) :)
7. Sister is coming to visit tomorrow and I sure hope she brings some delicious cupcakes to make up for the ones her dog ate! ;)
8. I really need to do laundry...but no motivation what so ever :(
9. If one more person asked me when we are going to have a baby I think i'll shove my fist down their throat. No this is not baby weight...this is I dont care anymore because I fit in my wedding dress and now I will eat what I want weight! No this is NOT a pregnancy hair cut, this is a I grew my hair out for Rachel's wedding and kept it long for my and now I'm sick of it being long because it's so damn hot haircut. And most of these individuals making references to us having babies, well guess probably aren't on the list to be notified when we make that decision any way so stop asking! Okay that was mean...sorry.
10. We have lots of fun stuff to look forward to in the next few months:
A. New Orleans??
B. Sara, Bill and Ali visit!! :)
C. Fall Camping with the Ohio Fam
D. The Homestead with the family :)
E. Jessica and Matt's wedding in Georgia :)
F. Harry Potter World :):):):) I could probably and will probably make an entire post about this fabulous
11. I completely left Hokie Football off that list but its included! :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Date Night!
Date nights are my favorite cause it normally means we are going out for supper! Tonight we are going to Bonefish and I can taste those yummy crab cakes already :) We'll follow up a fabulous supper with the new Will Farrell Marky Mark movie. Super excited it should be great.
On a side note I FINALLY got my hair cut today, I've been due for one. I'll try to get some pictures up in the next day or two. :) They did a fabulous job and its right in around the corner from us so super convenient! I even made an appointment for a color and trim in September...look at me trying to take care of myself :P Next up mani/pedi :)
In other news for the entire month of August TCM is paying homage (BTW the H is silent!) to a great film star in "Summer under the Stars" by having their movies shown all day. We have been dvr'in the crap out of this channel! We have been pickin' and choosin' the movies we haven't seen or would really like to see. We recorded and watched a lot of Steve McQueen movies...I think my favorite was The Blob! :P I think Ingrid Bergman on August 6th has been my favorite so far :) We've watched the original Robin Hood with Errol Flynn and there were lots of fat jokes. Any way if you enjoy classic movies you should check it out! :)
On a side note I FINALLY got my hair cut today, I've been due for one. I'll try to get some pictures up in the next day or two. :) They did a fabulous job and its right in around the corner from us so super convenient! I even made an appointment for a color and trim in September...look at me trying to take care of myself :P Next up mani/pedi :)
In other news for the entire month of August TCM is paying homage (BTW the H is silent!) to a great film star in "Summer under the Stars" by having their movies shown all day. We have been dvr'in the crap out of this channel! We have been pickin' and choosin' the movies we haven't seen or would really like to see. We recorded and watched a lot of Steve McQueen movies...I think my favorite was The Blob! :P I think Ingrid Bergman on August 6th has been my favorite so far :) We've watched the original Robin Hood with Errol Flynn and there were lots of fat jokes. Any way if you enjoy classic movies you should check it out! :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Let her eat cake :)
I love sweets! One of the hardest things about trying to fit in my dress was not eating an entire box of oreos in one sitting, a tub of ice cream or any other sweets that I would normally hoover into my pie hole. So after the wedding I went hog wild! :) I took a favorite lyric from the Animals to heart "It's my life and I'll do what I want!" And eat what I want now too! :) I have refused to get on a scale after the wedding so I have no idea how much weight I have put back on but I have attempted on most days to make an effort to tag along to the gym with Matt. Thank God I have a husband that wants to work out otherwise I would be a couch potato all the time. Once we returned from our honeymoon anytime I opened that freezer all I could think of was "Man I bet that red velvet cake in there would be really good." So I started begging Matt to let me eat that cake. No sense in waiting a year. Here is the funny part...I love traditions! To the point that I quoted Emily Post like it was my job for traditions associated to the wedding. But I think waiting a whole year for cake is a epic fail in my book. Well yesterday was our three month anniversary and I got cake!!! :)

I was extremely impressed with how moist and delish the cake was after hybernating in the freezer for three months. :)
Sister I have a piece with your name on it waiting for you to come get it! :) We have a pact, we always share anything red velvet! :D

I was extremely impressed with how moist and delish the cake was after hybernating in the freezer for three months. :)
Sister I have a piece with your name on it waiting for you to come get it! :) We have a pact, we always share anything red velvet! :D
Playing Catch Up...
Still feel that I am playing catch up in terms of life updates since the wedding so let me try to cram our eventful summer into one post...okay here we go...
Ben, my brother (yes I now officially have two brothers), graduated from VCU the weekend after we returned from our honeymoon. We met up with my family for a quick lunch to give them presents from our trip and catch up! Let me preface the next update with my family has a weird obsession with cemeteries...I think it might be a southern thing I'm not really sure, but I cannot tell you how many pictures were taken growing up in cemeteries with our dead kin folk. No you cannot make this up and unfortunately one holiday weekend Matt went with me home to Carrsville and got to partake in these festivities...poor Matt. I went with my family to the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond.

Here are a few pictures from Ben's graduation:

The following weekend I went to the Vintage Virginia Wine Festival with the girls.

Of course we almost had an altercation with a stupid B! We all decided to get ice cream because it was sooooooooo freakin hot outside and we were pretty dehydrated from all the wine we'd been drinkin'. There were tons of people but we found a picnic table with one whole side uninhabited, so me being nice and polite ask if it would be okay to sit down. Rude ass girl "no my friends are sitting there this is our table." Number one I completely understand the concept of having to save seats when you have a big group, however her friends were no where around and she did not have to be rude. She could have nicely said I'm sorry someone is sitting there and they will be back shortly. Or even better what I would do, "my friends are actually sitting there, however feel free to have a seat until they return." So nothing pisses me off in Northern Virginia more then rude ass people! Megan is with us and she's about to get Jersey on this girl...seriously she was about to break her wine glass on the table and cut a bitch. So we took turns sitting down at another bench mean while glaring at this rude girl. Well this older couple sits down and so Sabrina and I decide to join them.

Well I guess the rude girl decided to text her friends and get reinforcements and this ugly ass B comes rollin' back to the table "oh excuse me we need you to leave this is our table and we are gonna eat now." Mind you this B had no food, so now you are not only rude but are lyin'. So that was it for me "I'm sorry please excuse us for sitting down while this table was not occupied. However, you do not need to be rude. You could use some manners and ask nicely. I bet your Mama sure is proud of the rude ass bitch she has raised." Megan starts pulling me away because she knew we would have to beat this girls ass if we stayed any longer. Megan then proceeded to have a photo shoot of the rude ass bitches.

We went up and saw Matt's beloved Red Sox at Camden yard for Matt's birthday. Please pardon the fact that we look like sweaty messes, it was hot, humid and then we were sprinkled with several rain showers.

The family came up for the 4th of July weekend to celebrate Dad's birthday. We got tickets and all went to the Nats game!

Matt with Teddy Williams, found a Red Sox at the Nationals Stadium :)

We cooked a birthday lunch for Daddy that included Home Made French Fries...yummmy!

Followed up by a fantastic fireworks display over our nation's capital! Happy Birthday America and Happy Birthday Dad! :)

Somewhere in the middle of all this NG started throwing around the idea of telework as a means to save money with less bodies having to rent space for a project. Our project at the time was located in 3 different sections of the building and this was a perfect opportunity to consolidate everyone back on the same floor. I telecommuted when I was on implementation for USDA, meaning I was in the office maybe one day a week or more/less depending on what was going on, but mostly I worked from a remote location. So ofcourse my name went into the hat when to ask if I would volunteer to be in the test phase. Can you picture me working at home all day by myself?? Yeah right! hahahah However, Matt was being considered as well. So I started thinking well if Matt was home at least I would have someone to talk we had a long talk about it and agreed it would be a good move for the both of us. :) Since early July Matt and I have successfully been working from home together. I love teleworking! I get up a little later since I don't have to make the drive into the office, however I'm in my desk chair working earlier than I would in the office. I'm much more productive and have a much better attitude. :) We still head into the office every Wednesday for our weekly meetings with the team. How awesome is it that I get to kiss my husband whenever I want during the day?!?! :) Heck yes! It was really nice because Kateland was able to come stay with us all last week :)
Somewhere in the past few weeks we had another girls night :)

Last weekend I went to the RIC to see Sister's new place and fell in love with the area she is living in. We were able to walk to eat and then we spent all day saturday shopping in Carytown. We got these AMAZING cupcakes, I ate the red velvet at the store Thank Jesus because stupid Belle, sister's minpin, attacked the box and ate the rest of my cupcakes on Sunday morning :( I helped her make cupcakes, cookies and brownies for her house warming party on Saturday night before going to see a Richmond Squirrels game with the rest of the family. Dad was invited to a box for the game since he is the president of VACO this year so we got a lot of yummy food and had a good time. I got a t-shirt that says "Squirrels gone wild!" cracked me up!
Ben, my brother (yes I now officially have two brothers), graduated from VCU the weekend after we returned from our honeymoon. We met up with my family for a quick lunch to give them presents from our trip and catch up! Let me preface the next update with my family has a weird obsession with cemeteries...I think it might be a southern thing I'm not really sure, but I cannot tell you how many pictures were taken growing up in cemeteries with our dead kin folk. No you cannot make this up and unfortunately one holiday weekend Matt went with me home to Carrsville and got to partake in these festivities...poor Matt. I went with my family to the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond.

Here are a few pictures from Ben's graduation:

The following weekend I went to the Vintage Virginia Wine Festival with the girls.

Of course we almost had an altercation with a stupid B! We all decided to get ice cream because it was sooooooooo freakin hot outside and we were pretty dehydrated from all the wine we'd been drinkin'. There were tons of people but we found a picnic table with one whole side uninhabited, so me being nice and polite ask if it would be okay to sit down. Rude ass girl "no my friends are sitting there this is our table." Number one I completely understand the concept of having to save seats when you have a big group, however her friends were no where around and she did not have to be rude. She could have nicely said I'm sorry someone is sitting there and they will be back shortly. Or even better what I would do, "my friends are actually sitting there, however feel free to have a seat until they return." So nothing pisses me off in Northern Virginia more then rude ass people! Megan is with us and she's about to get Jersey on this girl...seriously she was about to break her wine glass on the table and cut a bitch. So we took turns sitting down at another bench mean while glaring at this rude girl. Well this older couple sits down and so Sabrina and I decide to join them.

Well I guess the rude girl decided to text her friends and get reinforcements and this ugly ass B comes rollin' back to the table "oh excuse me we need you to leave this is our table and we are gonna eat now." Mind you this B had no food, so now you are not only rude but are lyin'. So that was it for me "I'm sorry please excuse us for sitting down while this table was not occupied. However, you do not need to be rude. You could use some manners and ask nicely. I bet your Mama sure is proud of the rude ass bitch she has raised." Megan starts pulling me away because she knew we would have to beat this girls ass if we stayed any longer. Megan then proceeded to have a photo shoot of the rude ass bitches.

We went up and saw Matt's beloved Red Sox at Camden yard for Matt's birthday. Please pardon the fact that we look like sweaty messes, it was hot, humid and then we were sprinkled with several rain showers.

The family came up for the 4th of July weekend to celebrate Dad's birthday. We got tickets and all went to the Nats game!

Matt with Teddy Williams, found a Red Sox at the Nationals Stadium :)

We cooked a birthday lunch for Daddy that included Home Made French Fries...yummmy!

Followed up by a fantastic fireworks display over our nation's capital! Happy Birthday America and Happy Birthday Dad! :)

Somewhere in the middle of all this NG started throwing around the idea of telework as a means to save money with less bodies having to rent space for a project. Our project at the time was located in 3 different sections of the building and this was a perfect opportunity to consolidate everyone back on the same floor. I telecommuted when I was on implementation for USDA, meaning I was in the office maybe one day a week or more/less depending on what was going on, but mostly I worked from a remote location. So ofcourse my name went into the hat when to ask if I would volunteer to be in the test phase. Can you picture me working at home all day by myself?? Yeah right! hahahah However, Matt was being considered as well. So I started thinking well if Matt was home at least I would have someone to talk we had a long talk about it and agreed it would be a good move for the both of us. :) Since early July Matt and I have successfully been working from home together. I love teleworking! I get up a little later since I don't have to make the drive into the office, however I'm in my desk chair working earlier than I would in the office. I'm much more productive and have a much better attitude. :) We still head into the office every Wednesday for our weekly meetings with the team. How awesome is it that I get to kiss my husband whenever I want during the day?!?! :) Heck yes! It was really nice because Kateland was able to come stay with us all last week :)
Somewhere in the past few weeks we had another girls night :)

Last weekend I went to the RIC to see Sister's new place and fell in love with the area she is living in. We were able to walk to eat and then we spent all day saturday shopping in Carytown. We got these AMAZING cupcakes, I ate the red velvet at the store Thank Jesus because stupid Belle, sister's minpin, attacked the box and ate the rest of my cupcakes on Sunday morning :( I helped her make cupcakes, cookies and brownies for her house warming party on Saturday night before going to see a Richmond Squirrels game with the rest of the family. Dad was invited to a box for the game since he is the president of VACO this year so we got a lot of yummy food and had a good time. I got a t-shirt that says "Squirrels gone wild!" cracked me up!
A very merry Jookie reunion
At the end of July, Matt and I took a few days off to go out to San Diego and visit my cousin Rachel and her husband Clyde before she is deployed. My amazing little jookiebean is in the Navy nurse corps and she is one bad ass OR nurse. Rach used to work in Roanoke, VA at their Carillon (sp?) which is a Trauma 1 hospital, so she has experienced a lot of gory gross stuff. She'll be deploying to Afghanistan for 8 months so we wanted to put in a nice pre-birthday visit with my little sailor before she leaves.
Matt's birthday was in early June and to celebrate no debt from the wedding I was authorized to purchase a big gift! :D So Matthew is the owner of his very on megawatt IPAD! :D It came in about a week before our trip out to San Diego which was perfect timing for my husband because he downloaded games for us to play on our flight...remember I don't do well on planes and need to constantly be entertained. Oh boy did we Boggle! :) Also I believe I ate an entire bag of goldfish, thankfully they were the whole wheat kind...probably doesn't matter either way at this point.
We get in late on Thursday night and hang out with the Burnetts! :) When Rachel lived in Roanoke I was still in Blacksburg so we used to see each other A LOT because its only 30 mins separating us. So after my move to DC we didn't get to see as much of each other which is quite sad because we always have so much fun.
Rach was in a training coarse that Friday morning to get certified to use a defibrillator (sp?) anywhere including in a hospital. Clyde being the gracious host he was took us to IHOP for a fabulous breakfast and then we made a Target run. OMG! Let me tell you...that Target had an escalator for shopping carts. I was so impressed. I think this moment is right up there with the first time I went in a Wegman's (grocery store) with its elevator! Once Rach wrapped up her training and passed with flying colors we headed to the San Diego Zoo for the day! :)

Rachel and I posing with an elephant for our Granma

Me with the Flamingos!

We got to see an AMAZING polar bear!

We happened upon an extremely happy Zebra...Sister it was exactly like your horse experience! :P

I got to see Pandas!!!

Matt made friends with a two-toed sloth

Matt the Bear!

After a long day in the sun walking around checking out all the fabulous we were exhausted and HUNGRY! So we began a search for a restaurant...Rachel was checking out the menu at a potential place when Clyde asks "Do they have halibut?" Rachel: "Yeah they've got chicken." I cracked up over this conversation the entire weekend! We ended up going to that restaurant and you can tell we were worn slam out!

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early and headed to Legoland!!

They had so many AMAZING legos EVERYWHERE, here are a few of my favorites!
Me and Hagrid



New Orleans



The Washington Monument (aka the Pointy Thing)


After Legoland we went to see some amazing views of the Pacific! :)

We then drove to another awesome lookout that had a HUGE cross at the top of this mountain...we found Jesus there. I also found a bathroom on the side of this mountain when I peed on San Diego. Yes I go to California and I proceed to pop a squat on the side of a mountain...this is another reason why Matt married me. :)

We had another day full of sun and walking so we were plum tuckered out again. So we opted for In-n-Out Burger :)

Did I mention that Rachel loves cats? She has always had atleast one big fluffy cat if not more for as long as I can remember and San Diego was no different. She has this big fat fluffy black cat named Cricket. I have allergies to cats with long fur sometimes so we kept the door closed to the guest room so the cat wouldn't get in there and I wouldn't have to take meds every day, I hate taking pills! Well in the middle of the night I feel something on my leg and it wakes me up. It's that damn cat! I scream and of course the little thing gets scared and scurries under the bed. At which point I shake Matt awake to share in the fun of a cat being in our room and then demand that he get the cat out. Poor Matt is on all fours trying to get that cat out of our room and is quite successful. I don't know what I would do without my wonderful husband that rescues me from attacking cats! :) Matt--thank you for saving my life once again! I love you!
Sunday we took a boat brunch on the San Diego harbor...AMAZING!

And they had this amazing chocolate fountain...mmmmm heaven!

We ended our time in San Diego to the trip to the outlet mall, and not just any outlet mall. This mall is located at the very southernmost spot in California, the very last exit in the United States. So we got to see TJ, Mexico! And the boarder. If you look close in the picture below you can see a HUGE Mexican flag and the boarder fence separating Mexico from the US.

If you ever get a chance to visit San Diego you must go, we had an amazing time! :)
Matt's birthday was in early June and to celebrate no debt from the wedding I was authorized to purchase a big gift! :D So Matthew is the owner of his very on megawatt IPAD! :D It came in about a week before our trip out to San Diego which was perfect timing for my husband because he downloaded games for us to play on our flight...remember I don't do well on planes and need to constantly be entertained. Oh boy did we Boggle! :) Also I believe I ate an entire bag of goldfish, thankfully they were the whole wheat kind...probably doesn't matter either way at this point.
We get in late on Thursday night and hang out with the Burnetts! :) When Rachel lived in Roanoke I was still in Blacksburg so we used to see each other A LOT because its only 30 mins separating us. So after my move to DC we didn't get to see as much of each other which is quite sad because we always have so much fun.
Rach was in a training coarse that Friday morning to get certified to use a defibrillator (sp?) anywhere including in a hospital. Clyde being the gracious host he was took us to IHOP for a fabulous breakfast and then we made a Target run. OMG! Let me tell you...that Target had an escalator for shopping carts. I was so impressed. I think this moment is right up there with the first time I went in a Wegman's (grocery store) with its elevator! Once Rach wrapped up her training and passed with flying colors we headed to the San Diego Zoo for the day! :)

Rachel and I posing with an elephant for our Granma

Me with the Flamingos!

We got to see an AMAZING polar bear!

We happened upon an extremely happy Zebra...Sister it was exactly like your horse experience! :P

I got to see Pandas!!!

Matt made friends with a two-toed sloth

Matt the Bear!

After a long day in the sun walking around checking out all the fabulous we were exhausted and HUNGRY! So we began a search for a restaurant...Rachel was checking out the menu at a potential place when Clyde asks "Do they have halibut?" Rachel: "Yeah they've got chicken." I cracked up over this conversation the entire weekend! We ended up going to that restaurant and you can tell we were worn slam out!

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early and headed to Legoland!!

They had so many AMAZING legos EVERYWHERE, here are a few of my favorites!
Me and Hagrid



New Orleans



The Washington Monument (aka the Pointy Thing)


After Legoland we went to see some amazing views of the Pacific! :)

We then drove to another awesome lookout that had a HUGE cross at the top of this mountain...we found Jesus there. I also found a bathroom on the side of this mountain when I peed on San Diego. Yes I go to California and I proceed to pop a squat on the side of a mountain...this is another reason why Matt married me. :)

We had another day full of sun and walking so we were plum tuckered out again. So we opted for In-n-Out Burger :)

Did I mention that Rachel loves cats? She has always had atleast one big fluffy cat if not more for as long as I can remember and San Diego was no different. She has this big fat fluffy black cat named Cricket. I have allergies to cats with long fur sometimes so we kept the door closed to the guest room so the cat wouldn't get in there and I wouldn't have to take meds every day, I hate taking pills! Well in the middle of the night I feel something on my leg and it wakes me up. It's that damn cat! I scream and of course the little thing gets scared and scurries under the bed. At which point I shake Matt awake to share in the fun of a cat being in our room and then demand that he get the cat out. Poor Matt is on all fours trying to get that cat out of our room and is quite successful. I don't know what I would do without my wonderful husband that rescues me from attacking cats! :) Matt--thank you for saving my life once again! I love you!
Sunday we took a boat brunch on the San Diego harbor...AMAZING!

And they had this amazing chocolate fountain...mmmmm heaven!

We ended our time in San Diego to the trip to the outlet mall, and not just any outlet mall. This mall is located at the very southernmost spot in California, the very last exit in the United States. So we got to see TJ, Mexico! And the boarder. If you look close in the picture below you can see a HUGE Mexican flag and the boarder fence separating Mexico from the US.

If you ever get a chance to visit San Diego you must go, we had an amazing time! :)
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