We made the trek down to Carrsville on Saturday, giving us all of Friday to run errands and regroup for another weekend away from La Casa Zelman. Our DVR is slam full of awesome movies from our 1001 movies list that we have been watching when we have a free minute. Noah's bedtime routine has really been working
(knock on wood) so he's been in bed between 8:30-9:00 so that gives us about an hour each night before we are ready to pass out like the old folks we currently are. He's been waking up 1-2 times a night but going right back down within 1-2 minutes. And I've only cheated once, when I picked him up and brought him into bed with us at 6am to allow us all to have some cuddle snooze time. Much needed and well deserved all around. And last night (Monday) he slept through the night with one wake up only (but he immediately put himself back down and we didn't have to go into his room so technically i see this as a full night's sleep victory)!
Car rides with the monster have become much more bearable (ha! bear!) since we moved him to his big boy seat, started timing the beginning of our trips with his morning naps AND started using the iPad as a pacifier.
Snacking on a chicken nugget and watching a movie on the iPad |
Thankfully 95S wasn't a complete parking lot so we were able to make it down to Carrsville by lunchtime which is record time. Of course we stopped for a pee break at Wendy's and got Noah a kid's meal which he loved! Chicken nugs, apple slices and a juice box...that held him over for the last hour of the ride.
Playing blocks with Jo Jo! |
Saturday was filled with Noah getting into EVERYTHING...needless to say my parents' house is NOT Noah proof. And we spent a ton of time with my parents and sisters.
Noah and Aunt Lissa celebrating a Hokie Win! |
Sunday we went to church before heading back to Centreville. It was a good sermon on Mark 10: 17-31. Really made me wonder as I looked around at all the nodding heads, how many of these "Christians" really listen to the message and follow in Jesus' footsteps on a daily basis. That's one of the things about this time of year that really gets my goat. You'll see folks post all these political messages and statements about this that or the other, but then in the next breath they'll be telling you what a good Christian they are. I really could care less who you are supporting, but when the political issues or messages aren't "christian" well that's when I have a problem with it. Stop being a hypocrite! In one breath you'll support being Pro Life with a bible scripture but in the next breath you're against well-fare because they are able bodied individuals that need to get a job. Really do you think that's what Jesus would do? Come on now. Seriously I don't care if that's how you feel or not, but don't use Jesus only when it's convenient for you or for you to make a point.Okay off my little soap box.
Finally the new season of Sesame Street has started and let me tell you they have had some winners. Like this little gem where the
Cookie Monster is now the Veggie Monster. So last night we found discovered the new Cookie Monster when we solved the case of the oreo bandit.
Guilty as charged! |
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