I'm a slacker...obviously. So there is a lot that we must catch up on, first things first. Matt and I had a delayed anniversary celebration/staycation the weekend of May 19th. Why this weekend?! Well first off Friday May 18th, this lady got her fabulous husband tickets to see the Black Keys!!! How was the show?? Wonderful. However, I felt O-L-D! Seriously, it's probably been two years or more since I've been anywhere near cigarette smoke, even though Merriweather is smoke-free, since we were on the lawn folks were lighting up like it was their job. And I was in a serious old lady coughing fit....read MIZ! We ended up leaving our little smoke infested spot for cleaner air :) We camped out on the outskirts of the lawn for the rest of the concert, until our little private spot was invaded by light-up hula hoop girl. That's right. A grown ass girl with a glow in the dark hula hoop was just going to town right on top of us. I cannot tell you how many
drunk people stopped to ask if they could use her wicked awesome bedazzled hula hoop. To no avail "It is too expensive for me to let you use it!" Ummm okay. I think she might have been a professional hula hoopper :P All in all we had a really nice night :)
Saturday our friends Drew and Samar were getting married at The Mayflower Hotel in DC. My parents had come up for the weekend to keep (apparently this is a southern term for babysitting that I didn't realize could cause a misunderstanding) Noah for both nights. We decided to make this our first night away from Noah.
All dressed up! |
Not only is Drew one of our friends, but we work with him. So needless to say there were a lot of work folks, past and present, in attendance. Thankfully, my best good work friend Andrea and her boo Keane were both there. :)
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Love this girl! :) Me and A |
The wedding was lovely! And the cocktail hour had some awkward moments. Awkward moments + alcohol = Drunk. Awesome. We were seated at a table with Andrea's step sister Claire (past work folk) and her husband Brandon, The Bronsons (Kelley previously worked at NG), our previous deputy project manager Paul Malone and his wife and my current boss, deputy project manager, Lewis and his wife. Awkward....so I drank more. Needless to say I ended up being a hot mess. When Matt left me unattended at some point I stumbled my way across to the other side of the room where Andrea, Keane, Brent, Sampson and the Kisers were seated. Walked around bare footed...to the bathroom (vomit). Ate food off Arthur Bronson's plate, apparently he doesn't like veggies and I couldn't let those carrots go to waste. Called my manager old (H I thought you would like this!). Then probably one of my most favorite points of the night, my manager's wife asked about my being Jewish and I'm like I'm not my husband is. And Lewis goes "But I thought you converted!" I laughed in the man's face and replied "Oh no Lewis Jesus is my boy!" WTF! Thankfully that was
all I can remember it for embarrassing Becca moment's from our night out. We had a wonderful time and made out okay with out the boy. Not gonna lie my favorite part about staying at the hotel was not getting woken up at 6am by a baby. So what do you think happens?!?! The alarm goes off!!! And of course I couldn't figure out how to turn it off. By the time I do I'm awake and can't really go back to sleep :( So much for sleeping in on the one day away from our boy :p
We couldn't wait to get back home and see our sweet boy on Sunday! :)
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Brunch on Sunday before Jo Jo and Pop Pop left |
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The kid loves to drum! |
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