Length: 20 1/2 inches (1 whole inch more than his birth length)
Feeding: If it isn't obvious by his stats above Noah is a fabulous eater. He left the hospital eating about an ounce at each feeding. By the end of his first month he is eating between 2.5-5 ounces a feeding so around 30-40 ounces a day. In a previous post I lament about our breastfeeding struggles. I should clarify that we really haven't struggled, I just haven't forced the boob on him only because the doctors told me it would be harder for him. And the last thing I want to do is frustrate my sweet boy especially when it comes to eating. So at the end of month one we were breastfeeding 2-3 times out of his 8-10 feedings a day.
Here are a few additional highlights from his first month :)
Daddy and Noah after his first real bath in his tub. Important side note: Noah did not pee in the tub, but he did immediately pee in his towel while Daddy was holding him.

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