Happier thoughts! The baby sac (that's what I've decided to call the uterus because it sounds better) is measuring for where we are in our weekly progress. :) My OB then brought out the doppler to hear the heartbeat. Well our little cub decided to hide right by my pulse so we couldn't hear the baby over my pulse, so we did a sonogram to give me some peace of mind. I had spotted a little the week before randomly. So into the room we go. OMG! Our little cub was squirming and kicking up a storm! :) OMG! I'm so freakin' excited! Baby Z's heart rate is 165 bpm which is great for 10ish weeks (ha! like my math!) We also measured the little one and they are measuring right along with our Nov 5th due date! :) Also Baby Z was long enough to have our nuchal translucency test done to screen for down syndrome. A nose bone could be seen in the ultra sound, so that was a good sign.
And here is our little wiggle worm, apparently not in the mood for a picture:

That's a little arm over Baby Z's face and a little leg mid kick over the mid section!
In other fun news...TREATS!! :) So we went home this weekend for my cousin Megan's wedding show which was wonderful BTW. When we got to my folks on Friday my Mama told me they had a few surprises for me. She had gotten me a maternity like tank top (Virginia Tech of course!) for me to wear over the summer. But the best gift was from Kateland. In High School she had to make a pillow in home ec her senior year. Well I've been telling her all about my plans to get this cow print car seat and stroller...LOVE IT! (Pics will come in future posts...PROMISE!) So she gives me this most adorable little pillow for her niece or nephew (her words). And the cutest little tiny baby clothes hanger that I cried when I saw it!

A few weeks back when I got fitted for Meg's bridesmaid dress, we hit up Potomac Mills (for those of you not in the area that's one of our outlet malls!). Carter's was having a sale and look at this cute little purchases. Now before you judge, regardless if we have a boy or girl they will love dinosaurs...why? Because Daddy does :)

June cannot get here fast enough so we can buy more itty bitty baby stuff! :) LOVE IT!
On Saturday my best good friend Casey came to the shower and brought me the cutest and most sweetest goodie basket ever!

Included in the gift basket were these ADORABLE bibs and a piggy bank for Baby Z!

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