1. Pumkin Spiced Latte (We get Starbs on Wednesdays on our way into the office before our big meeting. A treat for actually getting dressed and showered in a timely manner and interacting with my co-workers face to face!)
2. Pumkin Cream Cheese (Manhattan Bagel is right around the corner from our house and has this AUH-MAZING cream cheese. I swear I could just like that little tub clean!)
3. Carving pumkins :) (We went to Cox Farms Sunday afternoon and had ourselves a little festive day. We got pumkins and road the hayride and went in the corn maze!)
4. Apples (They are always so much better in the Fall!)
5. Apple Cidar (Nothing like cuddling up on the couch with a nice warm cup!)
6. Leaves (OMG I love love love the changing of the leaves. Oh Blacksburg how I love and miss you. There is nothing like witnessing Fall in Blacksburg. Gotta love those orange and maroon leaves!)
7. Weather (I love that little nip in the air!)
8. Hokie Football (They were off to an extremely rocky start this season but they are finally lookin' like the team I know and love!)
9. Camping (Every Fall Matt goes camping with all his Ohio Family and I have been given the pleasure of tagging along for the past three years :) So excited to see everyone in three days!)
Here is a family pic from Camping Fall of 2008:

Here is another from Fall of 2009:

Here is a pic from when we were all together last...happy day :)

10. SCARY MOVIES (No time is more appropriate to break out a scary movie then the fall!)
11. Cuddlin' (There is just something about Fall that makes cuddlin' so much better...any kind of cuddlin' too: cuddlin' up with a book, cuddlin' up for a scary movie, just straight cuddlin')
12. Pumkin Pie/Cheesecake/Bread (I love pumkin treats they are so yummy, D makes this killer pumkin cake with cream cheese icing that is TO DIE FOR. He gave me the recipe so I no longer have to bug him to make a treat, not that I can reap the benefits any longer since I am no longer in the office.)
13. Birthdays (Kateland and Liz both have birthdays in October and I love to celebrate people's births so that will be fun. This year we are heading home for Kate's birthday with Georgetown Cupcakes in tow. Dad has gotten us all tickets to the ODU football game that weekend so that will be a real treat.
14. Thanksgiving (I love to eat food! :) And its even more fun because we get two! Yay for having two wonderful families!)
In other news I had grown my nails out pretty dern long and I'd been painting them every week so I wouldn't bite them. I have been so proud of myself...until last night. I snagged one on dental floss...kind you not the dern floss some how cracked my nail on the side and got all hung up in it. You can't make this shit up. So my nail is snagged down into the quick so I get some scissors and cut it off so it still looks somewhat decent. Then I start picking and before you know it I have no nails left :( Boo!
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