I completely lost track of blog updates due to the holiday! But I have so much to be thankful for this year! So in a nut shell what I am thankful for:
1. My wonderful fabulous husband. There are so many aspects regarding my Matthew to be thankful for :)
2. My super awesome parents!! I have always been very family oriented but as you get older you can look back and be truly thankful for your parents especially. I am so thankful that my mom never tried to be my best friend growing up, but was simply my mother: mentor and support system. And now we are much closer because of it!
3. My AMAZING sisters!!! I am so thankful that I was able to have a sister, it is a bond and relationship that is simply indescribable and irreplaceable. :) They have both taught me so much and I am thankful for them both :)
4. My Grandma Hazel. I am so thankful for all of her wonderful cooking, especially her peanuts :) She is not the most affectionate person but I am thankful for all the moments I have been able to share with her.
5. My Pop Pop. I cannot believe that it has been 11 years since he passed, but I am so very thankful for each and every moment we shared and all the memories of him that I will be able to pass along to my children.
6. The Zelman Family. I am thankful to have the most amazing in-laws anyone could ask for. They welcomed me into their family with open arms. I am thankful that we (me and Matt) get along with both our families and they too get along with each other. :) PS I am thankful that I have two of the best brothers in the world now...I have always wanted brothers!
7. My little jookiebean! I cannot even begin to describe how thankful I am for my cousin Rachel. Growing up we were the best of friends and have continued to be through out our lives, so times it was easier as we lived closer together. She is currently stationed in Afghanistan at a British hospital working in the OR saving the lives of many American marines. She is such a strong and amazing woman to be able to make such a huge sacrifice and I am so thankful for all that she is giving.
8. My extended family. The Bradshaw Clan is huge and having always been a steadfast support system for me through out my life. I am so very thankful for the relationships that I saw with each and everyone of them. :)
9. My job. I am may not always be the happiest individual when it comes to my job, but who really is right? But I am always thankful that I have one. :)
10. Matt's IPAD :) Can we say addicted much? Yes I am thankful I bought it for his birthday in June and very thankful that he is so sweet and wonderful that he shares it with me daily :)
Of course I am thankful for many many other things but that is the tip of the iceberg! :)
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday with the Zelmans on Thursday and my family in Carrsville on Friday :) The highlight of my holiday weekend was playing scategories with both our families :) Oh how I love game nights!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Weekend Update
Well we had a very eventful weekend. Originally Friday was suppose to be a date night for us, but due to some unexpected occurrences I had to work late. My wonderful fabulous husband cooked us supper :) Saturday we were up early to go house hunting!! I have very mixed feelings...on the one hand it is so exciting but on the other it is a little bit scary! None the less I have STELLAR credit YAY!!! My one contribution to this whole mess, unlike my super awesome husband I do not understand interest rates, PMI and the such. He is much better at budgeting me :) So I have my fabulous credit scores to offer along with my sweet organization skills. Yes I made a house hunting notebook and took notes at each house we visited! :) Nerd alert! Thursday and Friday were exhausting work days for me and I normally get caught up on lost sleep on Saturday since that didn't happen I was worn slam out when we got back. I took a wonderful cat nap and surprisingly so did Matt. Husband is not a lover of the naps as I am. We woke up just in time for the Tech game against Miami! :) And the Hokies are headed to Charlotte for an ACC Championship game! Yes!!! We were suppose to have our make up date night but with the VT game and my afternoon nap I was in no shape for public viewing. We ordered Outback (with my gift card) and Matt went to pick it up! Low and behold we got an extra fillet wedge salad...SCORE!! Lunch for me on Sunday :) We finally had out Harry Potter movie date today and I must say I was not disappointed!! I will now be rereading all the books again. I have only read the 7th book once, unlike the other books which have been read numerous times. Here is looking forward to a short work week (THREE DAYS!!!) and celebrating Thanksgiving with both our families! :) Thanksgiving with the Zelmans on Thursday and the Bradshaws in Carrsville on Friday :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
It's Wednesday!!! :)
Why am I so excited you might ask?! Well for starters today is the one day a week that I get to see all my loves from the office :) However meetings are involved. AND I will be getting a peppermint mocha latte from Starbies yummy!
And it is SUNNY today!!! So let the sunshine in!!
Yes I will be at the Kennedy Center tonight seeing HAIR!!! :)
And it is SUNNY today!!! So let the sunshine in!!
Yes I will be at the Kennedy Center tonight seeing HAIR!!! :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!
Well I'm clappin' my little heart out because I'm finally getting caught up today. I hate gettin' behind. But the reason I have been behind in post is because I have been a busy little productive bee at work so at least that is a positive out of all this lateness!
So let's back track: Halloween weekend
I had drinks with the girls one night and I just had to share a pic of my Halloween marg:

We carved our pumkins and watched scary movies! :)

PS my pumkin was supposed to be a wolf but then it came out wrong so Matt decided that I carved the thundercat...what do you think?

Yay! Neither one of us were feeling 100% so a nice bit of cuddle time on the couch did the trick. We love watching AMC's Mad Men :) I mean we LOVE it! Completely OBSESSED! I love all the clothes :) They have a new show about Zombies that aired Halloween night and it was AWESOME! I get freaked out every time I watch it but I think it's a pretty amazing show. Here you are a group of survivors fighting for your lives against the walking dead and yet there is still racism, domestic violence and low and behold gangs! I think it is a very interesting, yet realistic look at society and the problems we have presently you would think a zombie apocalypse would bring everyone together :p
Election Day: Yes I will give a little soap box speech, voting is extremely important at all times...every year! Some people view presidential years as the most important...I don't. Yes the president is the leader of our nation and they are the executive in chief and have veto power and they can influence others. But who are the ones that actually sit on committees and pass the legislation?? Congress and the Senate. Congressional and Senatorial elections are much more important in my opinion. And in the long scheme of things voting for state legislative positions are just as important. I have been very knowledgeable of politics my entire life. It was a staple of conversation at Sunday supper at Grandma and Pop's. I grew up understanding that it is important to have my own opinion and vote for my beliefs and values but to be excepting of others that do not share my opinions and beliefs. That doesn't mean I don't have some moments where I think people are complete closed minded nut jobs that are still living in the dark ages but I at least give them a chance to attempt to sway me. Not that it will ever work :p When I moved up here to NOVA some three years ago it was the first time in my life that when I walked into my voting precinct I did not know the person behind the table holding the book. I didn't know anyone standing in line with me to vote. Huge reality check for me! Arlington is NOT Carrsville! I had done a little research but I was a little ashamed of myself...I didn't know my congressional district, I didn't know my state senator (state level not federal) or my state delegate. I knew some of my county board members through my Daddy but I was still a little put out at how little I knew. So when I moved to Centreville, Fairfax County I made a little more effort to know where I was. Lucky for me our Apartment complex is right on the line, when I looked it up on the map it was really hard to tell if I was in the 10th or 11th district. Didn't know until I voted. And leave it to me to move to Northern Virginia and be in the most conservative part of Fairfax County! haha irony I think so!!! Needless to say I think it is EXTREMELY important to know who is representing you so that you can be prepared to vote, not just to mark down a candidate based on the party that is representing them. The most important thing is to cast an educated vote! If you don't vote then you have given up your voice. Okay I'll get off my little soap box! :p
The Homestead, Hotsprings, VA:

The Virginia Association of Counties (VACO) hold's their annual conference at the Homestead in Hotsprings, VA every Fall the weekend after the election. I had attended once while I was in college with my parents, Malissa and Kateland have both made trips but we have never gone together as a family due to school and timing. This year we went as a family to support my Daddy as the President of VACO! :D My Daddy has had a lot go on in the past two years. He lost his job with ATC Panels (formally the particle board division of IP/Union Camp) when they began shutting down the mill. He then got another job with Mastec, Inc right after our engagement and they let him go in June right after the wedding. We have had a lot of ups and downs as a family. As soon as they found out my Mama took quick action and found a full time teaching position with the county. YAY Mama to the rescue! My Daddy's biggest worry was losing insurance...Kateland. For those of you that don't know my youngest sister Kateland has a rare genetic disease called Prader-Willi Syndrome along with it comes HUGE doctors bills and tons of medicine. Again Mama to the rescue! Kate and Mama went to Social Services and my a miracle of Jesus she qualified rather quickly for Medicare (or is it Medicaid? opps!). Now all of Kateland's doctors appointments are covered! Praise the good Lord! :) Daddy took a blow losing this job and we have all been doing some heavy praying for something to come his way. Well a position came his way in October that he applied and interviewed for...with the county. Then all of a sudden he is in the papers (small town!) and people are slamming him for even attempting to get a job with the county over the possible conflict of interest with the Board. Geez! My Daddy really started getting his hopes up for this job...we were all scared that if he didn't get the job it would be a devastating blow for him. Well the good news came on Thursday Nov 4th that Daddy got the job! :D What a perfect weekend for the family to celebrate together!!! :D
Okay since Daddy is President he got to stay in President Taft's suite (and yes the bath tub was HUGE! haha!) Below is my husband with a picture of Taft playing golf at the Homestead

Family pic outside

I love my sister!

Spa Day with the girls

Family Pic

We hiked the cascade gorge

Family pic at the President's reception :)

Daddy with state Senator Lucas, Southampton Board of Supervisor Moses Wyche, Mama and Mr. Lucas

Daddy and Speaker of the House of Delegates

Daddy, Senator Mark Warner and Southampton Board of Supervisor Dallas Jones

Surry Board of Supervisor Mr. Tyler, his wife State Delegate Tyler, Mama and Daddy

Needless to say it was an event filled wonderful weekend! :) And did I mention that I won the Commonwealth trivia game $5 starbies gift card and a $50 Outback gift card! woot woot!!! :) I know my commonwealth! :D Mind you I have never won anything in my life except board games and sports and stuff until a few months ago I won a raffle at the ruitans for $100 and now another two wins in one weekend! :) YAY! I like winning prizes!!! :)
In other news we stopped at Matt's parents house on the way home Tuesday and look what greated us in their yard!!!

This past weekend we went ahead and set up our Christmas Tree since we will be in Carrsville next weekend, here the following then Savannah for my cousin's wedding, then Matt will be in Vegas and then Christmas. So I wanted as much time to enjoy this cute tree as possible!

We have finished shopping and wrapping for both families for both holidays! :) All presents are under the tree! :) I have yet to wrap Matt's presents because then I'll have to give them to him right now :P Giving presents is my FAVORITE!!! :)
And I have both holiday cards addressed and ready to be mailed on the chosen date! YAY!!!!
SN: HARRY POTTER!!!!!! Yes I am a nerd...whatevs!
So let's back track: Halloween weekend
I had drinks with the girls one night and I just had to share a pic of my Halloween marg:

We carved our pumkins and watched scary movies! :)

PS my pumkin was supposed to be a wolf but then it came out wrong so Matt decided that I carved the thundercat...what do you think?

Yay! Neither one of us were feeling 100% so a nice bit of cuddle time on the couch did the trick. We love watching AMC's Mad Men :) I mean we LOVE it! Completely OBSESSED! I love all the clothes :) They have a new show about Zombies that aired Halloween night and it was AWESOME! I get freaked out every time I watch it but I think it's a pretty amazing show. Here you are a group of survivors fighting for your lives against the walking dead and yet there is still racism, domestic violence and low and behold gangs! I think it is a very interesting, yet realistic look at society and the problems we have presently you would think a zombie apocalypse would bring everyone together :p
Election Day: Yes I will give a little soap box speech, voting is extremely important at all times...every year! Some people view presidential years as the most important...I don't. Yes the president is the leader of our nation and they are the executive in chief and have veto power and they can influence others. But who are the ones that actually sit on committees and pass the legislation?? Congress and the Senate. Congressional and Senatorial elections are much more important in my opinion. And in the long scheme of things voting for state legislative positions are just as important. I have been very knowledgeable of politics my entire life. It was a staple of conversation at Sunday supper at Grandma and Pop's. I grew up understanding that it is important to have my own opinion and vote for my beliefs and values but to be excepting of others that do not share my opinions and beliefs. That doesn't mean I don't have some moments where I think people are complete closed minded nut jobs that are still living in the dark ages but I at least give them a chance to attempt to sway me. Not that it will ever work :p When I moved up here to NOVA some three years ago it was the first time in my life that when I walked into my voting precinct I did not know the person behind the table holding the book. I didn't know anyone standing in line with me to vote. Huge reality check for me! Arlington is NOT Carrsville! I had done a little research but I was a little ashamed of myself...I didn't know my congressional district, I didn't know my state senator (state level not federal) or my state delegate. I knew some of my county board members through my Daddy but I was still a little put out at how little I knew. So when I moved to Centreville, Fairfax County I made a little more effort to know where I was. Lucky for me our Apartment complex is right on the line, when I looked it up on the map it was really hard to tell if I was in the 10th or 11th district. Didn't know until I voted. And leave it to me to move to Northern Virginia and be in the most conservative part of Fairfax County! haha irony I think so!!! Needless to say I think it is EXTREMELY important to know who is representing you so that you can be prepared to vote, not just to mark down a candidate based on the party that is representing them. The most important thing is to cast an educated vote! If you don't vote then you have given up your voice. Okay I'll get off my little soap box! :p
The Homestead, Hotsprings, VA:

The Virginia Association of Counties (VACO) hold's their annual conference at the Homestead in Hotsprings, VA every Fall the weekend after the election. I had attended once while I was in college with my parents, Malissa and Kateland have both made trips but we have never gone together as a family due to school and timing. This year we went as a family to support my Daddy as the President of VACO! :D My Daddy has had a lot go on in the past two years. He lost his job with ATC Panels (formally the particle board division of IP/Union Camp) when they began shutting down the mill. He then got another job with Mastec, Inc right after our engagement and they let him go in June right after the wedding. We have had a lot of ups and downs as a family. As soon as they found out my Mama took quick action and found a full time teaching position with the county. YAY Mama to the rescue! My Daddy's biggest worry was losing insurance...Kateland. For those of you that don't know my youngest sister Kateland has a rare genetic disease called Prader-Willi Syndrome along with it comes HUGE doctors bills and tons of medicine. Again Mama to the rescue! Kate and Mama went to Social Services and my a miracle of Jesus she qualified rather quickly for Medicare (or is it Medicaid? opps!). Now all of Kateland's doctors appointments are covered! Praise the good Lord! :) Daddy took a blow losing this job and we have all been doing some heavy praying for something to come his way. Well a position came his way in October that he applied and interviewed for...with the county. Then all of a sudden he is in the papers (small town!) and people are slamming him for even attempting to get a job with the county over the possible conflict of interest with the Board. Geez! My Daddy really started getting his hopes up for this job...we were all scared that if he didn't get the job it would be a devastating blow for him. Well the good news came on Thursday Nov 4th that Daddy got the job! :D What a perfect weekend for the family to celebrate together!!! :D
Okay since Daddy is President he got to stay in President Taft's suite (and yes the bath tub was HUGE! haha!) Below is my husband with a picture of Taft playing golf at the Homestead

Family pic outside

I love my sister!

Spa Day with the girls

Family Pic

We hiked the cascade gorge

Family pic at the President's reception :)

Daddy with state Senator Lucas, Southampton Board of Supervisor Moses Wyche, Mama and Mr. Lucas

Daddy and Speaker of the House of Delegates

Daddy, Senator Mark Warner and Southampton Board of Supervisor Dallas Jones

Surry Board of Supervisor Mr. Tyler, his wife State Delegate Tyler, Mama and Daddy

Needless to say it was an event filled wonderful weekend! :) And did I mention that I won the Commonwealth trivia game $5 starbies gift card and a $50 Outback gift card! woot woot!!! :) I know my commonwealth! :D Mind you I have never won anything in my life except board games and sports and stuff until a few months ago I won a raffle at the ruitans for $100 and now another two wins in one weekend! :) YAY! I like winning prizes!!! :)
In other news we stopped at Matt's parents house on the way home Tuesday and look what greated us in their yard!!!

This past weekend we went ahead and set up our Christmas Tree since we will be in Carrsville next weekend, here the following then Savannah for my cousin's wedding, then Matt will be in Vegas and then Christmas. So I wanted as much time to enjoy this cute tree as possible!

We have finished shopping and wrapping for both families for both holidays! :) All presents are under the tree! :) I have yet to wrap Matt's presents because then I'll have to give them to him right now :P Giving presents is my FAVORITE!!! :)
And I have both holiday cards addressed and ready to be mailed on the chosen date! YAY!!!!
SN: HARRY POTTER!!!!!! Yes I am a nerd...whatevs!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I'm a big girl now...
I am so freakin' EXCITED!! This time last year I paid off my car loan just in time for the wedding. Matt had already paid off his truck. We only wanted to have my student loan and whatever debt we might collect from the wedding. We budgeted very well for the wedding (yay Matt!). We put a lot on our joint credit card we got for the wedding but had it all paid off before we got married! :) The only thing on the cc after the wedding was our honeymoon expenses. Which we paid off. So that leaves my student loan and I am super excited and proud to say that I have less than 2K remaining to pay off! :D YAY!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!! And we have officially started HOUSE HUNTING!!!!! :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October Weekend Updates
The first weekend in October we stayed in the area because I had to work a little bit on that Saturday. Sunday we ventured out to Cox Farms and got some pumkins! (We have yet had a free moment to carve said pumkins but hopefully that will be done this weekend :p). My favorite part of Cox Farms was the livestock :) Like this little adorable piggie here. I want one so bad. They would make the perfect pet! :D

Side Note: VT beats NC State! :) Yay Hokies!
The second weekend in October was a nice LONG weekend! :) We took Friday and Monday off and drove up to Hocking Hills Ohio on Friday for Fall Cabin Camping with the Ohio Family. :) Needless to say it was an entertaining weekend. By the time we have gotten the vehicles unloaded Kevin has rigged up this fabulous tree swing:

Yes that is my husband taking his turn! :P
The girls

The whole hee-haw gang :)

Becky and little miss emma :)

Ali playing Uncle Bear's guitar :)

All of us crammed in the hot tub

Worn slam out...we took a mini nap on the blanket

So on Saturday Kevin decided the swing would be better if he jumped off the roof...

We had a great weekend in OHIO :) Except I freaked out because I lost my camera (later and I do mean weeks later we find it hidden in the back pack :( )
This is what happens when I wait to share things...I'm getting old and cannot remember all the fun details :(
Side Note: Hokies beat Central Michigan (THANK THE LORD!!!) Yay!!!
The following weekend we are home, but we are super productive. We got to Tyson's and holiday shop for our families. We are almost done, just a few more odds and ends. Did I mention I already have our holiday cards? Yeah I have to be on the ball cause you never know what will pop up with work. So yay!
Side Note: Hokies beat Wake!!! :) :) YESSSSSSS!!!
This past weekend we go home because my baby sister Kateland turned 19 on Thursday...OMG seriously! Where has the time gone?!?! We went to an ODU football game, this is so weird for me since the only thing I have EVER attended at ODU is basketball games...my entire life. No worries Nancy Lieberman was there! :)

Sisters with Big Blue :) There are only two mascots in life that I will be around the Hokie Bird and Big Blue :)

People dressing in suits where I cannot see their faces disturb me. The most disturbing mascot....KSU! Seriously look at this guy!

We had a great weekend! :)
Side Note: Hokies beat the tar out of Duke! Yesssssss!

Side Note: VT beats NC State! :) Yay Hokies!
The second weekend in October was a nice LONG weekend! :) We took Friday and Monday off and drove up to Hocking Hills Ohio on Friday for Fall Cabin Camping with the Ohio Family. :) Needless to say it was an entertaining weekend. By the time we have gotten the vehicles unloaded Kevin has rigged up this fabulous tree swing:

Yes that is my husband taking his turn! :P
The girls

The whole hee-haw gang :)

Becky and little miss emma :)

Ali playing Uncle Bear's guitar :)

All of us crammed in the hot tub

Worn slam out...we took a mini nap on the blanket

So on Saturday Kevin decided the swing would be better if he jumped off the roof...

We had a great weekend in OHIO :) Except I freaked out because I lost my camera (later and I do mean weeks later we find it hidden in the back pack :( )
This is what happens when I wait to share things...I'm getting old and cannot remember all the fun details :(
Side Note: Hokies beat Central Michigan (THANK THE LORD!!!) Yay!!!
The following weekend we are home, but we are super productive. We got to Tyson's and holiday shop for our families. We are almost done, just a few more odds and ends. Did I mention I already have our holiday cards? Yeah I have to be on the ball cause you never know what will pop up with work. So yay!
Side Note: Hokies beat Wake!!! :) :) YESSSSSSS!!!
This past weekend we go home because my baby sister Kateland turned 19 on Thursday...OMG seriously! Where has the time gone?!?! We went to an ODU football game, this is so weird for me since the only thing I have EVER attended at ODU is basketball games...my entire life. No worries Nancy Lieberman was there! :)

Sisters with Big Blue :) There are only two mascots in life that I will be around the Hokie Bird and Big Blue :)

People dressing in suits where I cannot see their faces disturb me. The most disturbing mascot....KSU! Seriously look at this guy!

We had a great weekend! :)
Side Note: Hokies beat the tar out of Duke! Yesssssss!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wedding Weight
I put on a right good amount of weight when Matt and I offically started dating only because I was so happy with him and I never felt like I needed to be a skinny mini around him. I've never been a lover of the gym. It doesn't make me feel good. I'm from the south and us southern girls do not sweat...we glisten! :) Well I glisten a whole truck load when I go to the gym...which means HEY frizzy frizz frizz. Not cool! Plus I need interaction...maybe if I had a gym buddy to take fun classes with I would be move inclined....I would rather be playing a sport or dancing to get my excercise. My philosophy in life is that you should only be running if something is chasing you! But I did it for the wedding. I had to get the ladies to fit in the dress and they did :) Yay! Then it was all down hill....to the point I am quite scared to get on a scale. Well none of my dress pants fit me this morning...lovely. Probably doesn't help that Aunt Flo came for a little visit either. I had a come to Jesus meeting with myself this morning. I've got to get myself in shape...NOW! It's just really hard for me to get motivated for the gym or to do any exercise. Matt's way too nice and lets me whine my way out of exercise. I need drill sargent Malissa here to whip my ass into shape. She never lets me get away with anything :) But starting today I have GOT to start doing SOMETHING! So here is my plan: I'm gonna ease myself back in my using the wii fit again (AUH-MAZING) and then work my way back to going to the gym. I really need to find a gym buddy that wants to go to one of those fancy gyms that has classes and such. I could totally get into kick boxings or aerobics or something like that. It's fun but it's gonna help me get/stay in shape. :) Any takers?!? :D
Fun Stuff
I'm super excited about today! :) After I head into the office and do my weekly "hi y'all" I get to pick up my new contacts and glasses! :) YES! And the super best most wonderfully awesome amazing part about today is that I get to have supper with my CPIC!!! :) YES!!!!!!
**Sad note: I no longer have my camera to take pictures to document these fun occassions.** (This reminds me I need to give a weekend update!)
**Sad note: I no longer have my camera to take pictures to document these fun occassions.** (This reminds me I need to give a weekend update!)
The Social Network
Matt and I have date night on Tuesdays. Last night we went and saw the social network...of course we saw it, I'm addicted to facebook and have been circa Fall of 2004 when my fellow comm slacker had me join! :) Love it! Anyway the movie was fabulous...and I never realized that Sean Parker (Mr. Napster himself) had any association what so ever to facebook. Remember when it was THEfacebook?! Yeah I do. Fabulous stuff. The guy was a genius...youngest BILLIONaire in history. That is just plain crazy talk. So the moral of the story is we enjoyed the movie and you probably will too so give it a go :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dentists :(
I must first put it out there that I have never had a horrible dentist, ever since I can remember I have had wonderful dentist. I just have HORRIBLE teeth, hence my dread to go. For those of you that have never had a cavity in your life...BOO on you! You must have AUH-MAZING gentics, so be very thankful. Oh you didn't know that teeth are genetic, well why wouldn't they be? Duh! Everything else is! :P So I was blessed to inherent my Dad/Grandma Hazel's teeth...the horror. I just pray to the sweet Baby J that our children do not get my teeth. So the back story....my earliest memory of the dentist is getting caps (sealant) on my teeth when I was four or five. Probably around the time I had my first cavity. The worst time I ever had with my teeth was about a year stretch after I got my braces off...I had them on for about 8 years. I had so many cavities it was out of this world. I just cried and cried over it. Why did I get so upset? Because I waterpicked and brushed exactly as I was instructed but to no avail. The worst was I had a crater sized hole in one of my back molars from where the bracket got loose but they never fixed it...you suck Dr. Anderson! :P And the nurse had the nerve to try and give me guff that I must not have waterpicked like I was suppose to. Dear Nurse Lady, how would waterpicking more regularly prevent a cavity from forming on the side of my tooth if your bracket was secured properly?? Thanks! Needless to say I'm bitter over the whole thing. And do you know why I had braces...an UNDERBITE!?!?! Okay so there is my little rant. Needless to say I had some mad fillings as a result, I'm talking HUGE silver fillings which apparently is WAY behind the times. Five crowns, two root canals and Lord knows how many fillings later I learn this out...and unfortantly when I say crowns I do not mean tiaras. :( When I moved up here three years ago I had to find a dentist STAT because one of those pesky silver fillings wasn't doing its job and I ended up with root canal #2 and crown #5...SWEET! The good news is I love my dentist! He has super sweet technology and he explains everything to me and shows me all these awesome pics (which are kinda gross sometimes) and xrays and stuff. I feel like I know whats going on. After that crown and replacing one silver filling I haven't needed any new work. I've had great check ups for the past two years. We've just been keeping an eye on all the giant silver fillings in my mouth knowing that they will give out and I will need more work...well today was the day for that news. I'm gonna have to get one refilled and another crown...#6 :( And possibly another filling replaced too. I knew that my streak of good luck with my teeth would eventually run out...at least I'm a pro at this now :p
Monday, October 4, 2010
Oh Fall How I love you :)
There are so many wonderful things about Fall and with this weather change it finally feels like its HERE! Things I love about Fall:
1. Pumkin Spiced Latte (We get Starbs on Wednesdays on our way into the office before our big meeting. A treat for actually getting dressed and showered in a timely manner and interacting with my co-workers face to face!)
2. Pumkin Cream Cheese (Manhattan Bagel is right around the corner from our house and has this AUH-MAZING cream cheese. I swear I could just like that little tub clean!)
3. Carving pumkins :) (We went to Cox Farms Sunday afternoon and had ourselves a little festive day. We got pumkins and road the hayride and went in the corn maze!)
4. Apples (They are always so much better in the Fall!)
5. Apple Cidar (Nothing like cuddling up on the couch with a nice warm cup!)
6. Leaves (OMG I love love love the changing of the leaves. Oh Blacksburg how I love and miss you. There is nothing like witnessing Fall in Blacksburg. Gotta love those orange and maroon leaves!)
7. Weather (I love that little nip in the air!)
8. Hokie Football (They were off to an extremely rocky start this season but they are finally lookin' like the team I know and love!)
9. Camping (Every Fall Matt goes camping with all his Ohio Family and I have been given the pleasure of tagging along for the past three years :) So excited to see everyone in three days!)
Here is a family pic from Camping Fall of 2008:

Here is another from Fall of 2009:

Here is a pic from when we were all together last...happy day :)

10. SCARY MOVIES (No time is more appropriate to break out a scary movie then the fall!)
11. Cuddlin' (There is just something about Fall that makes cuddlin' so much better...any kind of cuddlin' too: cuddlin' up with a book, cuddlin' up for a scary movie, just straight cuddlin')
12. Pumkin Pie/Cheesecake/Bread (I love pumkin treats they are so yummy, D makes this killer pumkin cake with cream cheese icing that is TO DIE FOR. He gave me the recipe so I no longer have to bug him to make a treat, not that I can reap the benefits any longer since I am no longer in the office.)
13. Birthdays (Kateland and Liz both have birthdays in October and I love to celebrate people's births so that will be fun. This year we are heading home for Kate's birthday with Georgetown Cupcakes in tow. Dad has gotten us all tickets to the ODU football game that weekend so that will be a real treat.
14. Thanksgiving (I love to eat food! :) And its even more fun because we get two! Yay for having two wonderful families!)
In other news I had grown my nails out pretty dern long and I'd been painting them every week so I wouldn't bite them. I have been so proud of myself...until last night. I snagged one on dental floss...kind you not the dern floss some how cracked my nail on the side and got all hung up in it. You can't make this shit up. So my nail is snagged down into the quick so I get some scissors and cut it off so it still looks somewhat decent. Then I start picking and before you know it I have no nails left :( Boo!
1. Pumkin Spiced Latte (We get Starbs on Wednesdays on our way into the office before our big meeting. A treat for actually getting dressed and showered in a timely manner and interacting with my co-workers face to face!)
2. Pumkin Cream Cheese (Manhattan Bagel is right around the corner from our house and has this AUH-MAZING cream cheese. I swear I could just like that little tub clean!)
3. Carving pumkins :) (We went to Cox Farms Sunday afternoon and had ourselves a little festive day. We got pumkins and road the hayride and went in the corn maze!)
4. Apples (They are always so much better in the Fall!)
5. Apple Cidar (Nothing like cuddling up on the couch with a nice warm cup!)
6. Leaves (OMG I love love love the changing of the leaves. Oh Blacksburg how I love and miss you. There is nothing like witnessing Fall in Blacksburg. Gotta love those orange and maroon leaves!)
7. Weather (I love that little nip in the air!)
8. Hokie Football (They were off to an extremely rocky start this season but they are finally lookin' like the team I know and love!)
9. Camping (Every Fall Matt goes camping with all his Ohio Family and I have been given the pleasure of tagging along for the past three years :) So excited to see everyone in three days!)
Here is a family pic from Camping Fall of 2008:

Here is another from Fall of 2009:

Here is a pic from when we were all together last...happy day :)

10. SCARY MOVIES (No time is more appropriate to break out a scary movie then the fall!)
11. Cuddlin' (There is just something about Fall that makes cuddlin' so much better...any kind of cuddlin' too: cuddlin' up with a book, cuddlin' up for a scary movie, just straight cuddlin')
12. Pumkin Pie/Cheesecake/Bread (I love pumkin treats they are so yummy, D makes this killer pumkin cake with cream cheese icing that is TO DIE FOR. He gave me the recipe so I no longer have to bug him to make a treat, not that I can reap the benefits any longer since I am no longer in the office.)
13. Birthdays (Kateland and Liz both have birthdays in October and I love to celebrate people's births so that will be fun. This year we are heading home for Kate's birthday with Georgetown Cupcakes in tow. Dad has gotten us all tickets to the ODU football game that weekend so that will be a real treat.
14. Thanksgiving (I love to eat food! :) And its even more fun because we get two! Yay for having two wonderful families!)
In other news I had grown my nails out pretty dern long and I'd been painting them every week so I wouldn't bite them. I have been so proud of myself...until last night. I snagged one on dental floss...kind you not the dern floss some how cracked my nail on the side and got all hung up in it. You can't make this shit up. So my nail is snagged down into the quick so I get some scissors and cut it off so it still looks somewhat decent. Then I start picking and before you know it I have no nails left :( Boo!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Who Dat Nation...our visit to NOLA
Have I mentioned I don't do well on planes? Obviously if I am starting off asking that question then I have a good little gem of a story to share...and I do. We left for the Big Easy on Sunday August 29th. If that date doesn't ring any bells right off for you then it will shortly. Our flight out of IAD was quite pleasant. Then we hit a little "patch" of turbulence and it went all down hill. I ate all the food that we had packed so I had at this point started to feel not so hot. Matt could tell looking out the window that we should be landing at any point. Cue airplane pilot, sorry folks but Louis Armstrong (that's the airport) has temporarily shut down due to this little storm so we'll circle around (IN THE STORM) until it opens again. AWESOME! Food is gone, electronics still have to remain off so nothing to distract me and then someone behind me reminds me of the importance of the date: August 29th today is the 5th year anniversary of Katrina. OMG!!! Slight panic attack then the next thing you know we have landed and all is right with the world again. :) We got in at a decent hour on Sunday to get settled and set up to work from the hotel the rest of the week and grab some food. Hello popcorn shrimp! :) Please and thank you! :) Matt had some shrimp gumbo :)
Monday we worked from the hotel for the day and I finished getting ready for the training I would be conducting for the remainder of the week. We had lunch at this little dive around the corner from the hotel...popcorn shrimp I love you! Thank you NOLA for all your AUH-MAZING seafood! :)
We headed over to the French Quarter for supper at the Court of Two Sisters.

I think we killed ourselves eating. I had this AUH-MAZING crab imperial (can we say cheese and thank you!??!) with a sweet potato puree...YUMMY! Matt and I critic our food now like we are judges on top chef so it's a pretty entertaining time. He had the roast duck. We followed it up with double dessert: Banana's Fosters and Cherries Jubilee. I think we got drunk off our dessert! They were made right in front of us:

We then headed over to Pat O's for Matt to experience their famous hurricanes. I must say they were not as I remembered...probably because I was sober drinking mine this time where as last visit I was bombed before we got to Pat O's. Never the less we had to experience the famous hurricanes of New Orleans. We walked around Bourbon a little so Matt could see it in all of its seedy glory.

We are nerds and in true dork fashion we took a Haunted History Tour with this AMAZING group. It was pretty neat. We started off at this church and I couldn't resist I kept saying to Matt "Look it's Jesus!"

It was a two hour walking tour around the French Quarter giving the history of hauntings in certain areas. Pretty neat stuff. So I'll share a few of my favorite stories.
The Andrew Jackson Hotel:

Before the hotel was built here there used to be an orphanage that burned in the second fire of New Orleans. Since the hotel is so old they never allow children, but they receive complaints frequently from guests of children playing or being unattended by an adult in the hotel (yikes!). There was a couple that stayed for their honeymoon at the hotel. They came back after a long night on Bourbon with film left in their camera and proceeded to pass out. The next morning when they woke up the film was used up and they just figured they were too drunk from the night before to realize how many pictures they had actually taken. When they developed the film there were pictures of the two of them sleeping in bed that night (OMG!) and from an angle that could not have been taken from any where other than directly over the bed! After this story is told Matt goes let's stay there for our next visit...NO THANK YOU! :p

This house had a really creepy story behind it. An affluent family lived here and the husband, a doctor, was doing all kinds of creepy medical experiments on the servants. CREEPY! Matt googled this one later and he found out that Nick Cage bought this house just so he could say he owned the most haunted house in New Orleans only to have it repo'ed by the IRS. Hahaha sucker!

For those of you that don't know I love the Civil War so this last one was my favorite by far. The Yanks had commandeered what is now another hotel (tons of haunted hotels in NOLA)in the french quarter and were attending to injured soldiers. As you may know during this time almost all wounds ended up in an amputation because it was the quickest way to stop the bleeding and infection. One Mardi Gras some fraternity brothers stayed at the hotel and woke up in the middle of the night to see a civil war doctor in their room cleaning blood off a saw. The doctor turned toward one boy and said "Boy that leg's gonna have to come off." I would have pissed my pants if that had been me. Apparently they ran out in nothing but boxers all the way to Slidell!
Tuesday night we headed back to the French Quarter to get goodies for the family as well as some more delicious food! :) We hit up Bourbon House (on Bourbon) owned by one of the Brennans. Matt got to try some gator:

I had some more delicious shrimp! :)
Wednesday night we headed over to the NOMA :)

I love Degas and this little gem has by far been my most favorite ever! A green ballerina!!!

Oh Jackson how you make my heart smile! :)

Bear gazing at Warhol

We had supper at Cafe Degas this fun little french place near the museum. Degas actually spent some time in New Orleans and lived in the area near the cafe and museum.
Thursday we headed back over to the French Quarter just to go to Cafe Du Monde! :) BEIGNETS!!!!! And yes they were even better than I remembered!!! :) We also had coffe (Matt) and hot chocolate (me)!

We walked the banks of the Missip!

Then called it a night after killing ourselves eating. :)

I love you NOLA! Thank you so much for showing us a great time. You have so much more to offer than what MTV portrays on The Real World! :p
Monday we worked from the hotel for the day and I finished getting ready for the training I would be conducting for the remainder of the week. We had lunch at this little dive around the corner from the hotel...popcorn shrimp I love you! Thank you NOLA for all your AUH-MAZING seafood! :)
We headed over to the French Quarter for supper at the Court of Two Sisters.

I think we killed ourselves eating. I had this AUH-MAZING crab imperial (can we say cheese and thank you!??!) with a sweet potato puree...YUMMY! Matt and I critic our food now like we are judges on top chef so it's a pretty entertaining time. He had the roast duck. We followed it up with double dessert: Banana's Fosters and Cherries Jubilee. I think we got drunk off our dessert! They were made right in front of us:

We then headed over to Pat O's for Matt to experience their famous hurricanes. I must say they were not as I remembered...probably because I was sober drinking mine this time where as last visit I was bombed before we got to Pat O's. Never the less we had to experience the famous hurricanes of New Orleans. We walked around Bourbon a little so Matt could see it in all of its seedy glory.

We are nerds and in true dork fashion we took a Haunted History Tour with this AMAZING group. It was pretty neat. We started off at this church and I couldn't resist I kept saying to Matt "Look it's Jesus!"

It was a two hour walking tour around the French Quarter giving the history of hauntings in certain areas. Pretty neat stuff. So I'll share a few of my favorite stories.
The Andrew Jackson Hotel:

Before the hotel was built here there used to be an orphanage that burned in the second fire of New Orleans. Since the hotel is so old they never allow children, but they receive complaints frequently from guests of children playing or being unattended by an adult in the hotel (yikes!). There was a couple that stayed for their honeymoon at the hotel. They came back after a long night on Bourbon with film left in their camera and proceeded to pass out. The next morning when they woke up the film was used up and they just figured they were too drunk from the night before to realize how many pictures they had actually taken. When they developed the film there were pictures of the two of them sleeping in bed that night (OMG!) and from an angle that could not have been taken from any where other than directly over the bed! After this story is told Matt goes let's stay there for our next visit...NO THANK YOU! :p

This house had a really creepy story behind it. An affluent family lived here and the husband, a doctor, was doing all kinds of creepy medical experiments on the servants. CREEPY! Matt googled this one later and he found out that Nick Cage bought this house just so he could say he owned the most haunted house in New Orleans only to have it repo'ed by the IRS. Hahaha sucker!

For those of you that don't know I love the Civil War so this last one was my favorite by far. The Yanks had commandeered what is now another hotel (tons of haunted hotels in NOLA)in the french quarter and were attending to injured soldiers. As you may know during this time almost all wounds ended up in an amputation because it was the quickest way to stop the bleeding and infection. One Mardi Gras some fraternity brothers stayed at the hotel and woke up in the middle of the night to see a civil war doctor in their room cleaning blood off a saw. The doctor turned toward one boy and said "Boy that leg's gonna have to come off." I would have pissed my pants if that had been me. Apparently they ran out in nothing but boxers all the way to Slidell!
Tuesday night we headed back to the French Quarter to get goodies for the family as well as some more delicious food! :) We hit up Bourbon House (on Bourbon) owned by one of the Brennans. Matt got to try some gator:

I had some more delicious shrimp! :)
Wednesday night we headed over to the NOMA :)

I love Degas and this little gem has by far been my most favorite ever! A green ballerina!!!

Oh Jackson how you make my heart smile! :)

Bear gazing at Warhol

We had supper at Cafe Degas this fun little french place near the museum. Degas actually spent some time in New Orleans and lived in the area near the cafe and museum.
Thursday we headed back over to the French Quarter just to go to Cafe Du Monde! :) BEIGNETS!!!!! And yes they were even better than I remembered!!! :) We also had coffe (Matt) and hot chocolate (me)!

We walked the banks of the Missip!

Then called it a night after killing ourselves eating. :)

I love you NOLA! Thank you so much for showing us a great time. You have so much more to offer than what MTV portrays on The Real World! :p
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hello my name is Rebecca and I'm an addict...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE reality TV and fun TV dramas!! I cannot tell you how excited I am about America's Next Top Model :) My favorite episode is when Tyra gives the girls a make over because someone always always freaks out about the hair. I enjoy guessing what changes she will make :) Nerd alert! So in their house this season they have a room in the house that has sand...so weird. I love the sand at the beach but I would never want just the sand without the waves and sun :p
I love the "Real Housewives" all of them! But Jersey is by far my favorite and I must say that I go out of my way to get the dirt on these ladies by taking such extreme measures as stalking good ol' perez hilton! I love that he refers to Danielle as "prostitution whore!" Of course you have to thank sweet old Italian Teresa for that little jewel! So excited for the ATL to come back love love love Dwight I could just squeeze him to death! :)
I guess the reason I love watching is because I hate drama in my life, unless if its other peoples :) I'm not saying that my life doesn't have drama...there are crazy B's that will pop in occasionally to try to start some ish but whatevs.
I cannot wait for The Office, Glee and Modern Family!!! :)
PS Cannot wait for this week to be over! :P Down town most of the day tomorrow but tomorrow night I'll have a nice glass of wine with the amazing supper we'll cook. That's right I cook occasionally! :)
I love the "Real Housewives" all of them! But Jersey is by far my favorite and I must say that I go out of my way to get the dirt on these ladies by taking such extreme measures as stalking good ol' perez hilton! I love that he refers to Danielle as "prostitution whore!" Of course you have to thank sweet old Italian Teresa for that little jewel! So excited for the ATL to come back love love love Dwight I could just squeeze him to death! :)
I guess the reason I love watching is because I hate drama in my life, unless if its other peoples :) I'm not saying that my life doesn't have drama...there are crazy B's that will pop in occasionally to try to start some ish but whatevs.
I cannot wait for The Office, Glee and Modern Family!!! :)
PS Cannot wait for this week to be over! :P Down town most of the day tomorrow but tomorrow night I'll have a nice glass of wine with the amazing supper we'll cook. That's right I cook occasionally! :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Playin' catch up....again
For a while there I was doing pretty good giving updates every other day at least, now with crazy shenanigans at work I haven't really felt like setting aside time to provide updates. :( Boooo! It could also be that nothing interesting is occurring other than work.
Last week Matt and I met my cousin Linda at Tyson's for supper! :) Dr. Linda Bradshaw (I get so excited saying this because she has worked so freakin' hard for that title) is currently stationed in Turkey with the Air Force as a pediatrician but she was temporarily back in the states taking a class for her board review in October. It was so great getting to see her! :) I think my favorite moment of the night was when we were discussing how difficult it is to change names--I had a hell of a time with mine--then you throw in being located in a foreign country as well as all the certifications that she would have to change her name on...Geez. Matt said that it would be worth all the effort just to have her name be Dr. Jones. :) Nerds! :)
Friday I had margarita night at Guapos with the girls! :) So wonderful! :) Their strawberry margs are to die for :) Heaven! I could really go for one right now that I think about it.....
The weekend was a blur, Matt ended up having to work a lot helping out with this little beauty of an issue that we had in the system :( We did watch a few fun movies that we had dvr'ed from TCM.
I decided to treat myself on Monday to a mani and a pedi. My nails always hold up better when I pay for the polish....I wont bite it off or pick it off. When I do it myself it's gone the next day. My nails also grow when I get them done :) Yay! The last pedi I got was lime green, freakin' awesome, not too professional when I'm rockin' peep toes. I had a demo to do with many important people on Tuesday so I decided to tone the color down a bit before then.
In other wonderful and fabulous news....WE'RE GOING TO NOLA BABY!!!! :D
Last week Matt and I met my cousin Linda at Tyson's for supper! :) Dr. Linda Bradshaw (I get so excited saying this because she has worked so freakin' hard for that title) is currently stationed in Turkey with the Air Force as a pediatrician but she was temporarily back in the states taking a class for her board review in October. It was so great getting to see her! :) I think my favorite moment of the night was when we were discussing how difficult it is to change names--I had a hell of a time with mine--then you throw in being located in a foreign country as well as all the certifications that she would have to change her name on...Geez. Matt said that it would be worth all the effort just to have her name be Dr. Jones. :) Nerds! :)
Friday I had margarita night at Guapos with the girls! :) So wonderful! :) Their strawberry margs are to die for :) Heaven! I could really go for one right now that I think about it.....
The weekend was a blur, Matt ended up having to work a lot helping out with this little beauty of an issue that we had in the system :( We did watch a few fun movies that we had dvr'ed from TCM.
I decided to treat myself on Monday to a mani and a pedi. My nails always hold up better when I pay for the polish....I wont bite it off or pick it off. When I do it myself it's gone the next day. My nails also grow when I get them done :) Yay! The last pedi I got was lime green, freakin' awesome, not too professional when I'm rockin' peep toes. I had a demo to do with many important people on Tuesday so I decided to tone the color down a bit before then.
In other wonderful and fabulous news....WE'RE GOING TO NOLA BABY!!!! :D
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Weekend Recap
Originally Matt and I were gonna make an attempt at the Prince William County Fair on Friday, but it was soooooooooo hot and we were both cranky from a looooooong week. Also did I mention I got to go for my yearly girlie doctor check up and we all know getting a pap is not about to improve my mood. So needless to say I didn't want to be mauled and Matt didn't want to have a little brat on his hands so we opted to stay in. We watched several old movies that we'd recorded of TCM...I must say if you have not seen the Odd Couple you must! :)
Saturday we got up fairly early, not our normal sleep until at least 10 kinda day. Matt went and got Manhattan for breakfast....yummmy! :) I love their cream cheeses!! :) Sister came and we traded clothes again, since I'm not working in the office I don't need as many dress clothes so I can loan out more clothes to her to use. We had a fabulous lunch at Olive Garden followed up with slices of the Red Velvet Cake at home! :)
We had a major build to our production environment on Saturday which meant Matt and I both had to complete post builds for our agencies when we got the go ahead...the crappy thing about this situation is you never know when you'll be free to test. They ended up not getting everything done until MUCH MUCH later than expected so thankfully we had until Sunday to turn in all our stuff...which is a VERY good thing because we had tickets to see MGMT at Merriweather on Saturday night.
The band that opened for MGMT sounded like a modern day version of the Talking Heads, they were pretty neat. MGMT was awesome. For those of you that don't know them...check them out it's well worth it. They are actually these two dudes, two weird but wickedly talented dudes.

They actually had other folks with them for the concert but it was pretty amazing. Two of my favs are Electric Feel and Time to Pretend, both off their first album but their second album has some pretty neat stuff on it too.
I read in EW recently that Vampire Weekend (LOVE THEM and seen them twice woot!)is in some kind of legal trouble over the picture of the lady on their Contra album cover. Apparently the dude that took this picture really didn't have the lady's permission to distribute it or whatever and now the band is getting sued for using it...OUCH!

We have two tickets to their show at Merriweather on Saturday, September 11th if anyone is interested! :)
I am now the proud owner of several sharpie pens, yes the ones being advertised on TV! I am a sucker for office supplies! SUCKER!! Super office supply NERD! They are amazing! The only let down is they don't smell like regular sharpies but they also do not bleed through regular notebook paper so I will take it :)
In other news I have a new obsession...Dulce de Leche icecream from Baskin Robbins aka TCBY. I had some Sunday, Monday and now tonight. I went big tonight and got the triple scoops however I could not finish and its in the freezer but I will be having it for snack tomorrow.
In other news we were paid a little visit tonight...as we were leaving for BR on our icecream run something scrambled in the door as we are leaving. I about have a heartattack because it looked like a mouse scurried in. (I'm from the country and this is not an unusual occurance.) It was dark because we had all the lights off and we just assumed it must have been a leaf that blew in when the door opened...WRONG. It was a good hour or more later I realize that we are being visited by a little frog!

Matt took time out of his busy draft schedule to rescue the little guy and deposit him back outside. Yay Matt! :)
Yes his draft schedule, tonight is our draft party for his fantasy football team! And what does one do at a draft party...well you wear no pants and eat icecream. I talk trash to the other guys via Matt and cheer when Matt makes a pick. It's a fun party. Matt also just drafted Eddie Royal so there was a big celebration by this Hokie here! :)
I have ventured into Dum Dum city twice this week :( When I left the office Diana gave me a GIANT bag of dum dums. Megan and I call it dum dum city when I eat more than two dum dums in a sitting...normally in the count of 5-10 :( This is what happens when I have a stressful week in the office.
On a happy note I had lunch with Megs and A today and I will be having supper with all the girls on Friday (YAY Brina is back from vacay!). I also have H's package all ready to send now so I can FINALLY drop it off in the mail tomorrow! NOLA will probably be happening in another week which means we'll be there Labor Day weekend! :) Fun stuff! I love fun mini-vacays! :)
Saturday we got up fairly early, not our normal sleep until at least 10 kinda day. Matt went and got Manhattan for breakfast....yummmy! :) I love their cream cheeses!! :) Sister came and we traded clothes again, since I'm not working in the office I don't need as many dress clothes so I can loan out more clothes to her to use. We had a fabulous lunch at Olive Garden followed up with slices of the Red Velvet Cake at home! :)
We had a major build to our production environment on Saturday which meant Matt and I both had to complete post builds for our agencies when we got the go ahead...the crappy thing about this situation is you never know when you'll be free to test. They ended up not getting everything done until MUCH MUCH later than expected so thankfully we had until Sunday to turn in all our stuff...which is a VERY good thing because we had tickets to see MGMT at Merriweather on Saturday night.
The band that opened for MGMT sounded like a modern day version of the Talking Heads, they were pretty neat. MGMT was awesome. For those of you that don't know them...check them out it's well worth it. They are actually these two dudes, two weird but wickedly talented dudes.

They actually had other folks with them for the concert but it was pretty amazing. Two of my favs are Electric Feel and Time to Pretend, both off their first album but their second album has some pretty neat stuff on it too.
I read in EW recently that Vampire Weekend (LOVE THEM and seen them twice woot!)is in some kind of legal trouble over the picture of the lady on their Contra album cover. Apparently the dude that took this picture really didn't have the lady's permission to distribute it or whatever and now the band is getting sued for using it...OUCH!

We have two tickets to their show at Merriweather on Saturday, September 11th if anyone is interested! :)
I am now the proud owner of several sharpie pens, yes the ones being advertised on TV! I am a sucker for office supplies! SUCKER!! Super office supply NERD! They are amazing! The only let down is they don't smell like regular sharpies but they also do not bleed through regular notebook paper so I will take it :)
In other news I have a new obsession...Dulce de Leche icecream from Baskin Robbins aka TCBY. I had some Sunday, Monday and now tonight. I went big tonight and got the triple scoops however I could not finish and its in the freezer but I will be having it for snack tomorrow.
In other news we were paid a little visit tonight...as we were leaving for BR on our icecream run something scrambled in the door as we are leaving. I about have a heartattack because it looked like a mouse scurried in. (I'm from the country and this is not an unusual occurance.) It was dark because we had all the lights off and we just assumed it must have been a leaf that blew in when the door opened...WRONG. It was a good hour or more later I realize that we are being visited by a little frog!

Matt took time out of his busy draft schedule to rescue the little guy and deposit him back outside. Yay Matt! :)
Yes his draft schedule, tonight is our draft party for his fantasy football team! And what does one do at a draft party...well you wear no pants and eat icecream. I talk trash to the other guys via Matt and cheer when Matt makes a pick. It's a fun party. Matt also just drafted Eddie Royal so there was a big celebration by this Hokie here! :)
I have ventured into Dum Dum city twice this week :( When I left the office Diana gave me a GIANT bag of dum dums. Megan and I call it dum dum city when I eat more than two dum dums in a sitting...normally in the count of 5-10 :( This is what happens when I have a stressful week in the office.
On a happy note I had lunch with Megs and A today and I will be having supper with all the girls on Friday (YAY Brina is back from vacay!). I also have H's package all ready to send now so I can FINALLY drop it off in the mail tomorrow! NOLA will probably be happening in another week which means we'll be there Labor Day weekend! :) Fun stuff! I love fun mini-vacays! :)
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