I have lost 8lbs this month! Holler!!! That is 12 more lbs until I reach my goal weight and the wii fit will stop telling me I'm overweight. My fat wii gives me a complex...no concept of baby weight obviously! :P Unfortunately, I have no recent pictures of me to share hopefully I will remedy that this weekend on our makeup visit to Carrsville. Lots of pictures with me with my family and with my cute little baby :)
PS Patty gave us homework in Spanish! YAY!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Weekend Update
I'm about to unleash my redneck side on y'all....NASCAR!!!! This weekend was Noah's first Daytona 500 or should I say it would have been. The race was rain delayed until Monday night. The Uncles came over to watch the race with us and got to spend some quality time with little No No :)

Noah got to watch his first Daytona 500 on Monday night which resulted in one of the most awesome wrecks I have ever seen! Check it out!

Noah got to watch his first Daytona 500 on Monday night which resulted in one of the most awesome wrecks I have ever seen! Check it out!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Fantastic Five Months
Obviously I am tardy for the party (anyone like that RHW-ATL reference?!?) This past Saturday my little munchkin man turned 5 whole months old (as opposed to half months?!) So it's time for my monthly blog update of the fat man! :)
Little No No is weighing in at 17lbs!!! Mommy Fail--I didn't measure him yet this month! :(
Big Achievements for the month:

- Moved to Size 3 Diaps
- Consistently slept for at least 8 hours for the entire month (we had only 2-3 rough days where he would go to bed early at 9pm and then wake up at 5am).
- Longest sleep stretch 10 hours! WOWZA! (9:30pm-7:30am)
- Started solids. Noah LOVED rice cereal but not so much the spoon. So we added it to his bottles to start the month. Recently he found he likes the spoon and whats on it. We have started working in new solids every 3-4 days. So far he loves bananas, oatmeal and sweet potatoes (LOVES!)
- Paci is out. Thumb is in (his mouth constantly!)
- Loves his exersaucer and play mat!
- Found his feet :) He will giggle uncontrollably when I play put them in my mouth or even his :)
- Loves his dino friends
- Loves his lambie
- Love to Noah sometimes means gumming you ;)
- He rolled from front to back
- He looks for objects when he drops them or they are taken away.
- He almost has holding his bottle on his own down :)
- He has sat unsupported on his own for a few seconds. Gotta get those core muscles in shape ;)
- When he gets really excited he will squeal/giggle and then shove his hand in his mouth.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Nanny Update
Patty is AUH-MAZING with Noah. I love hearing him squeal with delight when he is with her. But I love it even more when I sneak down and visit for a few minutes after pumping to deliver the milk and seeing that huge gummy grin on his face when he sees his Mommy! :)
But seriously we are the luckiest folks in the world to find such a perfect fit for our little munchkin and us :) Yay! :)
Noah is currently attempting to help Mama blog by mashing the keys...this makes for a difficult post :P Stay tuned for a Five Month update (OMG! Where is my baby going!?!?!?!), Weigh In and a little sneak peak at all our upcoming trips! :)
Surprise Visits
My sister is in Arlington for the week attending a training class so went drove out to have supper with her last night. It was the first time in about a month that we had a chance to visit with her because she travels so much (work & pleasure). Sister gifted Noah with a mini-cheese head from one of her trips to Wisconsin. I have to say the kid looks adorable in it, however Noah just thought it was for eating :P

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
What's new??
Well I have a very exciting announcement to make...no we are not pregnant again Matt would kill me! :p We officially have a fabulous wonderful nanny for Noah. Patty started today and I am in love with her! :) She is so great with our little (not sure how much longer this word will somewhat apply) bundle of joy! :) And she makes balancing Noah, work and everything else a million times easier :)
More life updates and a weekend recap to come shortly...once I download some pics :)
More life updates and a weekend recap to come shortly...once I download some pics :)
Weekend Recap
We had a very relaxing weekend. Bummed that we couldn't make the trip to Carrsville, so we rescheduled and we'll be trekking down to visit the family in early March. Matt and I finished up the last few episodes of Boardwalk Empire Season 2....AWESOME! Noah is absolutely obsessed with putting anything and everything into his mouth. He has this wonderful infectious laugh that you cannot help giggle along with.

Saturday we went out and ran a ton of errands. Since Noah stayed awake for the car ride and was a happy little fella we didn't want to ruin his mood by keeping him strapped in his car seat, so we carried him into all the stores...He loved it! :)

Mommy's arm however was not loving the after affects of toting around my close to 17lbs child for long spans of time over the weekend :P We got some amazing deals this weekend, but that is the last I am able to shop for little man for quite some time....boooo :P
Noah is really starting to look like a little fuzzy wuzzy bear cub now that his hair is actually starting to come in again! :) YAY!

Saturday we went out and ran a ton of errands. Since Noah stayed awake for the car ride and was a happy little fella we didn't want to ruin his mood by keeping him strapped in his car seat, so we carried him into all the stores...He loved it! :)

Noah is really starting to look like a little fuzzy wuzzy bear cub now that his hair is actually starting to come in again! :) YAY!

The Rant
Well if you know anything about me at all you knew this rant was coming. I am completely APPALLED by the goings on in our great nation and MY Commonwealth in the last few weeks regarding abortion. Let me just state that I believe in a woman's right to choose. And yes that is my personal opinion. If you don't believe in abortion I completely respect your view. If people spent half the amount of money and effort preaching about abortion and attempting to prevent abortions from happening on let's say...CONTRACEPTION awareness/education/availability then abortion wouldn't be a problem would it. We'd all be happy...right? Oh of course not.
Instead old white men are telling women what can and cannot be done with THEIR bodies...yet again. I mean seriously what century is this?!? We are quickly approaching 50 years after Roe v. Wade and this mess is still going on. My lovely Commonwealth of aging white males (fucking assholes if you ask me) has decided that if you are considering an abortion that you first must have a sonogram. Not too bad you might say? Oh but you forget in the first trimester you aren't far enough along to get a regular sonogram so they have to give you a vaginal sonogram. That's right ladies and gentlemen. If a woman plans on an abortion she first must be vaginally probed without her consent...can we say rape??? This is absolutely appalling. I had a little scare during my first few weeks of pregnancy (bleeding) and I went in for a sono. They couldn't even see the makings of the fetus yet much less hear a heartbeat. All you could see was a black blob and a teeny tiny white dot in it. How can seeing that cause someone that doesn't want a baby to change their mind? And the worst part is there are presidential candidates that feel there is nothing wrong with this tactic. Who in fact believe that prenatal care leads to more abortions. Awesome!
I believe that there are people that cannot be parents to normal regular children, much less raise a special needs child. I believe in abortion to prevent society being burdened with an unwanted child that is not treated with the love and respect that it deserves. I hear pro-life advocates always saying that it's an innocent life. Yes it is but it doesn't deserved to be raised in a hostile environment where it knows its not wanted what does that accomplish? Hate. And what does that bring about? A little mean bully that tries to put others down in school. And from there? Maybe some form of rebellion to retaliate. It's a vicious cycle.
Wouldn't the ends justify the means if the time and energy was focused on preventing the unwanted pregnancy to start with? I mean it's not like we have a population problem...oh wait yes we do. I cannot believe that in this day and age women are forced to such measures to obtain an abortion but all hell breaks loose when health care reform requires contraception funding to be included in insurance packages.
I understand people having strong religious views that determine how they live their daily lives. I like to think I do too. I love Jesus. And the one thing I feel Jesus taught (or should have taught) all of us is to be accepting of others even if they are different. My parents enforced this "christian" stance on me and my sisters growing up. Even though I cannot understand not supporting a woman's right to choose or contraception education. I respect your view. What I do not respect is people pushing THEIR religious views on others in everyday life.
I'm a very angry lady that does not like having her rights taken away...and I never thought I would say this but Virginia I'm embarrassed.
Instead old white men are telling women what can and cannot be done with THEIR bodies...yet again. I mean seriously what century is this?!? We are quickly approaching 50 years after Roe v. Wade and this mess is still going on. My lovely Commonwealth of aging white males (fucking assholes if you ask me) has decided that if you are considering an abortion that you first must have a sonogram. Not too bad you might say? Oh but you forget in the first trimester you aren't far enough along to get a regular sonogram so they have to give you a vaginal sonogram. That's right ladies and gentlemen. If a woman plans on an abortion she first must be vaginally probed without her consent...can we say rape??? This is absolutely appalling. I had a little scare during my first few weeks of pregnancy (bleeding) and I went in for a sono. They couldn't even see the makings of the fetus yet much less hear a heartbeat. All you could see was a black blob and a teeny tiny white dot in it. How can seeing that cause someone that doesn't want a baby to change their mind? And the worst part is there are presidential candidates that feel there is nothing wrong with this tactic. Who in fact believe that prenatal care leads to more abortions. Awesome!
I believe that there are people that cannot be parents to normal regular children, much less raise a special needs child. I believe in abortion to prevent society being burdened with an unwanted child that is not treated with the love and respect that it deserves. I hear pro-life advocates always saying that it's an innocent life. Yes it is but it doesn't deserved to be raised in a hostile environment where it knows its not wanted what does that accomplish? Hate. And what does that bring about? A little mean bully that tries to put others down in school. And from there? Maybe some form of rebellion to retaliate. It's a vicious cycle.
Wouldn't the ends justify the means if the time and energy was focused on preventing the unwanted pregnancy to start with? I mean it's not like we have a population problem...oh wait yes we do. I cannot believe that in this day and age women are forced to such measures to obtain an abortion but all hell breaks loose when health care reform requires contraception funding to be included in insurance packages.
I understand people having strong religious views that determine how they live their daily lives. I like to think I do too. I love Jesus. And the one thing I feel Jesus taught (or should have taught) all of us is to be accepting of others even if they are different. My parents enforced this "christian" stance on me and my sisters growing up. Even though I cannot understand not supporting a woman's right to choose or contraception education. I respect your view. What I do not respect is people pushing THEIR religious views on others in everyday life.
I'm a very angry lady that does not like having her rights taken away...and I never thought I would say this but Virginia I'm embarrassed.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Flashback Friday
We can blame it on my monthly visit but I've been feeling quite sentimental over my "little" boy lately. And what better way to reflect then a nice little flash back photo :)
Now: almost 5 months later
Then: 6 weeks early

Two things I must comment on from this comparison: 1. Noah is obviously a very good eater and has had no problem "catching up" on the weight that he so desperately needed when he was born. 2. All that fuzzy head full of hair obviously left us in the last few months :P
A fuzzy wuzzy update: Noah has started to sprout more hair and it looks like its coming in blonde...taking after his Mama and Dada?? :) (side note: Matt and I were both blonde as babies)
In other news we had fun plans to make a trip down to Carrsville to visit some friends and family, but unfortunately the stomach bug has hit the Bradshaw household and we don't want to risk exposing Noah. The kid vomits enough on his own :P Instead we will be making a fun trip to IKEA to FINALLY get the kitchen table we picked out ages ago.
Happy Weekend Y'all!
A fuzzy wuzzy update: Noah has started to sprout more hair and it looks like its coming in blonde...taking after his Mama and Dada?? :) (side note: Matt and I were both blonde as babies)
Happy Weekend Y'all!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
11 Things
I was tagged by Heather from Then Comes Baby. I have been slacking with my follow threw but here goes nothing! :)
1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
11 Random Things About Me...
You're singing karaoke. What's your song of choice? Tina Turner "Proud Mary"
What is your most prized possession? Does my husband and son count as a possession? If not then my rings :)
What was the worst job you've ever had? I worked at Sentry foodmart for a summer. We had the #1 Tobacco, Alcohol and lotto sales in the great Commonwealth of Virginia...that should give you an idea of the caliber of folks that frequented this fine establishment.
Do you have any phobias? tunnels, snakes, confined spaces, suffocating
You are wearing your favorite outfit. Do you put on heels or flats? Pre-baby def heels. Post- baby def flats. Not that easy to carry a baby on your hip wearing heels ;)
Have you ever met anyone famous?Catfish Hunter (Yankees Pitcher), Goldberg (wrestler), Hank III I feel like I'm leaving someone out that I have met....
Do you have any pet peeves?So many...ugh! Leaving on your blinker, not using your blinker, ear gunk, eye goop, mixing up possessive and plural, misusing there, their and they're, your and you're can get through in that mix too.
Name the best concert you've ever been to and why. Wow this is difficult. Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard, cause it was just amazing. And my first date with Matthew :)
Do you collect anything?I used to collect key chains and magnets. Now I collect festive piggy banks :)
Favorite breakfast food to eat? pancakes and coffee (does that count as a food)
Let's play "Do, date, dismiss" (hahaha): Ryan Reynolds (date), Bradley Cooper (do), Tom Brady (dismiss) :) I think Matt might have some issues if I do anything with his boy Tom Brady ;)
1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
- I never feel clean anymore. I feel like I'm constantly covered in baby drool, baby vomit, baby pee or baby poop.
- I can make my thumb do the hula. Seriously. One time Sister and I went to the extremes by painting a little face on my thumb and dressing me in Luau Barbie's grass skirt.
- Old Navy is having a killer baby sale and I might have gone a tad over board for my little one....Thank the good Lord I do not yet have a girl to buy cut polka dot frilly dresses for. I'm a sucker for Easter dresses!
- I'd like to bring back gloves and hats. I would like to wear them for all festive occasions. Ladies just look classier in white gloves and hats!
- My current TV show obsession is Boardwalk Empire. We watched the entire first season in a week.
- I've lost a whole cup size! Holler! :)
- I think Noah might be teething. He woke up at 4am...first night wake up in ages. Needless to say the coffee ain't cutting today. I'm cruising through the work day on 2 cylinders :(
- Would it be socially acceptable to introduce Matt as my Baby Daddy moving forward?
- I had to go into the office yesterday to get finger printed for yet another background check. I ran into my PM and I joked that I'm glad its the same system because I don't think I have the brain capacity anymore to remember my address from 5 years ago. He told me I need to keep that information with my mortgage and all the other important papers. And I said thanks I appreciated I hadn't had a chance to talk with my Dad yet this week. Seriously what was I thinking?! I totally called my PM my Dad.....
- I've lost 3lbs since my weigh in on the 4th :) YAY!
- I love facetime! :)
Heather's Questions for me:
My 11 Questions for the people I am tagging:
I'm lame and not playing by the rules....no questions nor tags from this lazy bum! :P
I'm lame and not playing by the rules....no questions nor tags from this lazy bum! :P
Catch me if you can
So it's been a hot minute since I've taken the time out of our hectic lives to give a proper update...so here goes nothing.
The jewelery party was FABULOUS! :) I got a lot of fun goodies and I have to thank my awesome hubs for making some yummy treats for everyone to feast on! My folks came up for the event and we went out that night to celebrate Mama's and my birthdays....SAKURA! Love!

Noah has really started to improve on Tummy Time :)
Unfortunately I have no pictures to show for it, but little Noah has figured out the whole opposable thumb deal and all its thumb sucking glory!
In the last couple of weeks Noah has gotten super active and really loves grabbing at toys, hair, earrings, necklaces, glasses and other such objects ;) His favorite thing to do is try to eat everything and anything he can get his chubby little fists on...poor Tigger!

It's so strange how the tide has really changed with him, he used to HATE being naked...now it's one of his favorite past times! :P
Still not a fan of spoons, so we are putting rice cereal in several bottles a day and he is loving it! :) Can't you tell from his "little" belly from above!
As you all may know that we are a Patriots family so we were all decked out for Superbowl Sunday so I'll just share some happy family pics prior to Kick off :)
The jewelery party was FABULOUS! :) I got a lot of fun goodies and I have to thank my awesome hubs for making some yummy treats for everyone to feast on! My folks came up for the event and we went out that night to celebrate Mama's and my birthdays....SAKURA! Love!
Noah playing with his Jo Jo

Noah has really started to improve on Tummy Time :)

In the last couple of weeks Noah has gotten super active and really loves grabbing at toys, hair, earrings, necklaces, glasses and other such objects ;) His favorite thing to do is try to eat everything and anything he can get his chubby little fists on...poor Tigger!

Still not a fan of spoons, so we are putting rice cereal in several bottles a day and he is loving it! :) Can't you tell from his "little" belly from above!
As you all may know that we are a Patriots family so we were all decked out for Superbowl Sunday so I'll just share some happy family pics prior to Kick off :)
Love is in the Air
What better way to celebrate V-Day then to steal a post from a lovely friend! ;)
1. How long have you and your significant other been together? Matt and I have been together since September 2007. :)
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
I moved to NOVA in August 2007 to start my first job in the corporate world (let me clarify that this was not my first job!) with NG. Best decision I ever made because I met my future husband/baby Daddy!
Matt was my little work crush until he asked me to go see Willie Nelson and Merle in concert. This was seriously the most awkward date ever...I was super nervous which results in Chatty Cathy coming out. I told Matt my entire life story. **crickets** Actually I'm sure my Sister has some equally awkward first dates that she could share ;)
We went on tons of dates, but neither one of us ever really addressed the awkwardness of working together and God forbid if it didn't pan out. So we never acted like we were dating at work....until it became serious. But even then it's not like I'd pounce him in his office for a make out sesh. It was some time in January 2008 when I finally asked Matt "what are we?" The God awful label question...but I'd waited long enough and I needed to know. To which the love of my life replied "humans!" And the rest is history.
Yes everyone at work eventually found out, however I was still surprised that some folks didn't know until we got married and my name was changed :) Secret secret I got a secret! (Who appreciated that Styx reference...I know my husband did not!)
1. His awesome sense of humor and that giggle :)
2. What an AUH-MAZING Daddy his is to Noah
3. What a WONDERFUL best friend and husband he is to me :)
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Matt is thoughtful all the time. He'll get me flowers and treats randomly just because. My favorite are grocery store days because he'll come back with some fun treats for me :) I love him :)
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day? Nah I don't normally ask.
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love. Communication is key :)
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
I moved to NOVA in August 2007 to start my first job in the corporate world (let me clarify that this was not my first job!) with NG. Best decision I ever made because I met my future husband/baby Daddy!
Matt was my little work crush until he asked me to go see Willie Nelson and Merle in concert. This was seriously the most awkward date ever...I was super nervous which results in Chatty Cathy coming out. I told Matt my entire life story. **crickets** Actually I'm sure my Sister has some equally awkward first dates that she could share ;)
We went on tons of dates, but neither one of us ever really addressed the awkwardness of working together and God forbid if it didn't pan out. So we never acted like we were dating at work....until it became serious. But even then it's not like I'd pounce him in his office for a make out sesh. It was some time in January 2008 when I finally asked Matt "what are we?" The God awful label question...but I'd waited long enough and I needed to know. To which the love of my life replied "humans!" And the rest is history.
Yes everyone at work eventually found out, however I was still surprised that some folks didn't know until we got married and my name was changed :) Secret secret I got a secret! (Who appreciated that Styx reference...I know my husband did not!)
3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry? {do tell}
We got married May 8, 2010 so we are quickly approaching our two year mark! 4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? If not, where would you like to get married? And will it be big or small?
We got married at the Wyndham Hotel in Virginia Beach, VA. :) It was a decent size wedding though we limited to family and very close friends. This is what happens when your family multiplies like rabbits...sick. 5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
We are more in the realm of Mama and Dada these days. But I've always referred to him as my Bear :)
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
In no particular order1. His awesome sense of humor and that giggle :)
2. What an AUH-MAZING Daddy his is to Noah
3. What a WONDERFUL best friend and husband he is to me :)
7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
It was September 6, 2009 :) Our two year anniversary. We had plans to go into DC for the day to celebrate. We had a nice meal and the wandered over to this awesome fountain where my nervous/excited bear proposed. :)8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Matt is thoughtful all the time. He'll get me flowers and treats randomly just because. My favorite are grocery store days because he'll come back with some fun treats for me :) I love him :)
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
Pre-baby I was definitely more of the get out and do something kind of girl. But post Noah, I'd rather pop in a movie and snuggle up with my boys for the night.
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
We have got to get back to Hawaii. We want to hit up Maui and the other side of the Big Island (Kona). Though we def want to take Noah and all our future offspring, I think we are gonna try to do a big trip for the 5 year depending on the kiddo situation at the time :P 11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
We did a little celebrating over the weekend. I'm horrible at waiting to give presents. Matt got his present over a month ago when Noah and I bought it and he got his cards this weekend...Fail!12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Boys will be boys...
Noah's new favorite thing to do is spit...awesome. How do you tell a four month old that spitting is not OK AND to top it off it's not exactly polite either?? Yeah your guess is as good as mine.
For the record this Mama is not amused. :P
For the record this Mama is not amused. :P
Friday, February 3, 2012
Fantastic Friday
We have had an AUH-MAZING week! Noah has gotten onto a good night time feeding ritual that has resulted in 9+ hours of sleep every night this week! :) :) :) We are all loving the rice cereal (still not loving the spoon though!) and are very excited to try some new solids next week!
Noah found his knees and also his piggies this week! :)

**He has also learned to talk some ish! :P
Noah found his knees and also his piggies this week! :)

**He has also learned to talk some ish! :P
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Chatty Cathy (or would it be Chad?)
I apologize in advance that this video is sideways and for the redic Mom voice that is used at the end.
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